
Submissions from 2016

Market Volatility Timing with Google Query, Article, Wei Feng and Robert W. Reich.


A Profile of the Health Management Industry: Health Administration for Non-Clinical Professionals, Velma Chen

How to Write an Accounting eBook, Conference Session, James F. Downey.

Consuming the Future: The Role of Science Fiction Movies as a Harbinger for Privacy Issues, Poster Presentation, George R. Milne, Larry Zacharias, and Begum Kaplan-Oz.

Impact of Global Virtual Teams on Cultural Growth, Article, Christine Naschberger, RT Good, and Bethany Galipeau-Konate.


Long-Term Care and Alcohol Use, Chapter, Nicholas Castle, Mary Lindsey Smith, and David G. Wolf.

Submissions from 2015


An Investigation on Institutional Holdings of Firms During the 2008 Financial Crisis, Article, Wei Feng, Bruce C. Payne, and Shirley Ye Sheng.

Co-Chair International Organization of Social Science and Behavioral Research 2015 Fall Conference, Article, Robert W. Reich (0000-0001-7683-1503).

Competitive Advantage: The Relationship of Corporate Knowledge Officers to Return on Assets (ROE) of Publicly Listed Companies, Conference Session, Robert W. Reich, Joseph Ingles, and Therese Viscelli.

International Organization of Social Science and Behavioral Research 2015 Fall Conference Proceedings, Article, Robert W. Reich (0000-0001-7683-1503) and Randall Valentine.

Manufacturing Location: Bigger vs Smaller Cities, Conference Proceeding, Farideh A. Farazmand, Yu-Te Tu, and Ralph Norcio.

Solving the Unemployment Paradox, Paper Presentation, Harika Rao.

Technology Based Education: A Foe or Friend to Student Development?, Paper Presentation, Harika Rao.


Workers Can't Find Jobs, Jobs Can't Find Workers: Solving The Talent Paradox, Article, Harika Rao.

Stock Market Reactions to Terrorist Events: A Deeper Analysis, Article, Robert W. Reich (0000-0001-7683-1503), James Kroger, and G. McVay.


The Forum BEVI Project: Applications and Implications for International, Multicultural, and Transformative Learning, Article, Elizabeth Wandschneider, Dawn T. Pysarchik, Lee G. Sternberger, Wenjuan Ma, Kris Acheson, Brad Baltensperger, RT Good, Brian Brubaker, Tamara Baldwin, Hajime Nishitani, Felix Wang, Jarrod Reisweber, and Vesna Hart.

Allocentric and Ideocentric Persuasion: Characteristics of Leadership Personality, Paper Presentation, Robert W. Reich, Maria Lucero, and Javier Anegon.


Financial Reporting and Management Decisions, iBook (Restricted), James F. Downey.


Fundamentals in Culinary Operations, iBook (Restricted), Craig Schmantowsky.


Perspective: Interventions to Reduce Acute Care Transfers (INTERACT), Chapter, David G. Wolf.


Sports Marketing: Theory in Practice, iBook (Restricted), Chad Barr and Rocco Porreca.

Submissions from 2014

US Stock Market Reactions to Terrorist Events Revisited: 1977-2013, Article, Robert W. Reich (0000-0001-7683-1503) and James Kroger.


Lynn University: The Small School with Big Plans for Hospitality and Event Management, Article, James F. Downey and Linsley T. DeVeau.

A Teaching Excellence Assessment Process Model for Hospitality Management, Conference Session, James F. Downey.


Business Analytics: Communicating with Numbers, iBook (Restricted), Joseph Ingles.

Implementation Lessons from a Cross-Cultural Virtual Team Human Resource Management Pilot Case Study Exercise, Article, Christine Naschberger and RT Good.


Introduction to Fashion and Retail, iBook (Restricted), Lisa Dandeo.


Introduction to Marketing Theories & Methods, iBook (Restricted), Matteo Peroni.

Submissions from 2013


The Role of Gender in Business Negotiations, Article, Farideh A. Farazmand and Yu-Te Tu.

Urbanization Economies and Technology of Production, Article, Farideh A. Farazmand.


Applied Project Learning Outcomes: Differences between United States and International Students, Article, Farideh A. Farazmand and Robert D. Green.


Get an Even Break by Understanding Break Even Analysis, Article, Linsley T. DeVeau and James F. Downey.

Location Management: Productivity of Bigger Cities, Article, Farideh A. Farazmand.

Principles of Economics, iBook (Restricted), Farideh Farazmand.

Submissions from 2012

Business Negotiation Styles and Gender Influence, Article, Farideh A. Farazmand and Yu-Te Tu.


Applied Projects: Learning Outcome Differences between Senior and Sophomore-Junior Students, Article, Farideh A. Farazmand and Robert D. Green.


Differences Between and Influences on Male and Female Students' Applied Project Learning Outcomes, Article, Farideh A. Farazmand and Robert D. Green.

United States and International Students: A Comparative Learning Outcome Study, Article, Farideh A. Farazmand and Robert D. Green.


A Comparative Study of Negotiation Styles: Afghanistan, Iran and Syria, Article, Farideh A. Farazmand, Yu-Te Tu, and Hasan Daneefard.

Are there Different Applied Project Learning Outcomes between Senior and Sophomore-Junior Students?, Article, Farideh A. Farazmand and Robert D. Green.


Customer Loyalty: Influences on Three Types of Retail Stores' Shoppers, Article, Erika Grodzki, Farideh A. Farazmand, Robert D. Green, and Mei-Lien Li.

Submissions from 2011


Hotel Financial Red Flags: Identifying Financial Problems Now Will Head Off Disaster Later, Article, Linsley T. DeVeau and James F. Downey.


The Impact of Transformational Leadership and Leader-Member Exchange on Socialization in Mergers and Acquisitions, Article, Robert W. Reich (0000-0001-7683-1503).

Live-Case Study Learning Outcomes: A Comparison between Students with and without Prior Internship Experience, Article, Farideh A. Farazmand and Robert D. Green.

Applied Project Learning Outcomes: A Comaprison between Male and Female Students, Article, Farideh A. Farazmand and Robert D. Green.


The CHAE Today: How Does the Profile of CHAE Designees Compare to 20 Years Ago?, Article, Linsley T. DeVeau and James F. Downey.


Is Religious Culture a Factor in Negotiation: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Iran, Taiwan and United States, Article, Farideh A. Farazmand, Yu-Te Tu, and Hasan Daneefard.

Submissions from 2010


The Moderating Effect of U.S. Regional Collectivism on Acquired Family Firm Success, Article, Robert W. Reich (0000-0001-7683-1503).


Impact of Offshore Outsourcing on Competitive Advantage of U.S. Multinational Corporations, Article, Yoram Benit, Eldon Bernstein, John Cipolla, and Ralph Norcio.

Learning by Doing: A Comparative Study of U.S. And International Students, Article, Farideh A. Farazmand and Robert D. Green.


Management Philosophies and Lodging Success: An Exploratory Study, Article, Linsley T. DeVeau, Christine Kay, Diann Newman, and Elisa Moncarz.

Service-Learning: A Business School Study, Article, Farideh A. Farazmand, Robert D. Green, and Philip Miller.

Where Economics Meets Marketing: Ethics in the Marketplace, Article, Farideh A. Farazmand and Robert D. Green.


Creating Lifelong Learning through Service-Learning, Article, Farideh A. Farazmand, Robert D. Green, and Philip Miller.

Imagination and Creation, Article, John Cipolla.

The Regulation of Sports Agents, Chapter, Theodore R. Curtis.

Submissions from 2009


A Lodging Internship Competency Model: Enhancing Educational Outcomes Through Work Integrated Learning, Article, David Solnet, Anna Kralj, Christine Kay, and Linsley T. DeVeau.


The Differences in Job Characteristics, Job Satisfaction and Organizational Commitment of Taiwanese Expatriates Working in Mainland China, Article, Ralph Norcio, Sheng-Wen Liu, and Jung Tsung Tu.


Formal Education and Lodging Managers' Competence: An Industry Update, Conference Session, James F. Downey, Karlton Brown, Anna L. Kralj, and David J. Solnet.


Ethnicity and the Balanced Scorecard's Customer Perspective: The Case of Higher Education, Article, Laura Kozloski-Hart, Alison Rampersad, Jose Lopez, and Mike Petroski.


Case Study Methodology in the Aviation Industry, Article, Jeffrey C. Johnson.


The Relationship Between Index of Social Position and Organizational Commitment of Taiwanese Expatriates Working in Mainland China, Article, Ralph Norcio, Sheng-Wen Liu, and May Ching Ding.

The Organization as Artifact: Structuring the Organization in Times of Constant, Dramatic Change, Article, John Cipolla.

The Regulation of Sports Agents, Chapter, Theodore R. Curtis.

Submissions from 2008


The Role of Knowledge and Culture in Organizational Crises: Managing and Planning in “Interesting” Times, Article, John Cipolla and Mike Petroski.

A Teaching Excellence Assessment Process Model, Article, Christine Kay, Elisa Moncarz, Mike Petroski, and James F. Downey.

Blind Alleys: What Can You Do After You’ve Got the Maze Psyched Out and Somebody Comes in Out of Nowhere and Suggests That There is Another Game in Town?, Article, John Cipolla.

The Marketing Mix and Branding: A Review of Consumer Product Marketing, Article, Robert D. Green.

The Regulation of Sports Agents, Chapter, Theodore R. Curtis.

Submissions from 2007


Ethnicity and Customer Satisfaction in the Financial Services Sector, Article, Jose Lopez, Laura Kozloski-Hart, and Alison Rampersad.

Submissions from 2005

A Computer Software Approach to Teaching Hospitality Financial Accounting, Article, James F. Downey and Linsley T. DeVeau.

Submissions from 2003


A Survey of Lodging Executives' Views on Internship Programs and Cooperatives, Article, Christine Kay and Linsley T. DeVeau.

Submissions from 2002


Cultural Values and Organizational Commitment Among Financial Consultants in South Florida, Dissertation, Leilani O. Baumanis.

Submissions from 1995


The Growth and Impact of Native American Gaming, Article, James F. Downey, Patricia M. DeVeau, and Linsley T. DeVeau.

Submissions from 1988


Experience and Education: How Are Hospitality Programs Coordinating This Vital Curriculum Interface?, Article, Linsley T. DeVeau.