Frequently Asked Questions | SPIRAL - Lynn University

Frequently Asked Questions

What is an Institutional Repository (IR)?

An Institutional Repository (IR) is an online archive for collecting, preserving, and disseminating digital copies of the intellectual output of an institution. IRs are used for collecting and posting faculty and staff publications and presentations, student theses and dissertations, datasets, video or audio files, archival materials, photographs, yearbooks, student newspapers, and more.

The content posted to IRs is fully indexed and searchable via Google from anywhere in the world, thus making the work of a university far more visible and accessible.

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Why is Lynn University's IR named SPIRAL?

SPIRAL is an acronym: Scholarly Publications, Institutional Repository and Archives at Lynn

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Who manages SPIRAL?

SPIRAL is managed and maintained by the members of the Eugene M. and Christine E. Lynn Library Staff. The Repository Administrator is Lea Iadarola, Archivist & Records Manager.

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I am a former Lynn student and I would like to read my thesis or dissertation, but it isn't on SPIRAL. Who should I contact?

All print volumes of Lynn’s theses and dissertations were digitized in the summer of 2017. If your thesis/dissertation is not here, contact Lea Iadarola, the Repository Administrator.

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I am a member of the Lynn faculty or staff and I would like my published work and/or presentations to appear on SPIRAL. How can I upload it?

We look forward to including your publications and presentations in SPIRAL. We are usually able to upload most posters and presentations, but our ability to upload journal articles will depend on what the journal allows, which is usually specified in their agreement with the author. Permissions for many publishers can be found at SHERPA/RoMEO.

Contact Lea and she can work with you to upload or link to your work.

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What is the process for submitting my thesis or dissertation to the library for inclusion in SPIRAL?

All Lynn University masters and doctoral students are required to submit their theses/dissertations to the Lynn Library for inclusion in SPIRAL. All theses/dissertations must submitted in the form of a PDF file (we can also add additional material such as iBooks or webpage links) and should include the following information:

  • Author(s)
  • Degree Name
  • Date of Award (if you don’t know the exact date, a month and year will suffice)
  • Advisor(s)
  • Abstract

Please submit final theses/dissertations via email to Lea Iadarola.

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Where can I view photos from the early days of Lynn?

You can browse photos here. Or, if you know what you are looking for, perform a search from the SPIRAL homepage.

Keep in mind: New content is added all the time, and not everything available in the Archives has been digitized. If you need additional help locating archival images, please contact Lea Iadarola and she can help you.

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I have an idea for a new collection on SPIRAL. Who should I contact?

We always welcome new ideas! Please contact your library liaison or the Repository Administrator

to discuss.

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