Strategic Management: Concepts for Businesses to Be Efficient and Effective in the Global and Competitive Marketplace



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This Multi-touch book covers the basic concepts of strategic management for MBA 690, identifying key issues surrounding businesses and management today. Along with the overview of the strategic management process, key concepts include the internal and external environment, SWOT analysis, cost leadership, corporate diversification and crisis planning. Readers will also be introduced to steps in the strategic planning process along with identifying a company's vision and mission. Also detailed are discussions on the globalizing marketplace and the impact of e-commerce and social media. The intention of this Multi-touch book is to provide a motivator for students as they apply concepts of management with their vision of how to be part of a successful company among the competition within their industry. Course: MBA 690

Publication Date


Document Type

iBook (Restricted)


Lynn University Digital Press


Boca Raton, FL


College of Business and Management


The primary file is in .ibooks format and can only be viewed in Mac or iOS-compatible programs, such as iBooks.

APA 7 Citation

Ramsey, E. (2017). Strategic management: Concepts for businesses to be efficient and effective in the global and competitive marketplace. Lynn University Digital Press.

Strategic Management: Concepts for Businesses to Be Efficient and Effective in the Global and Competitive Marketplace
