Faculty and Staff Publications & Presentations is a collection of academic publications, presentations, and other creative works, created by Lynn University faculty, adjuncts, and staff.

Examples of work include, but are not limited to: journal articles, art exhibits, blog entries, books or book chapters, conference proceedings or sessions, news articles, editorials or opinion pieces, films, graphic novels, notable lectures or presentations, musical scores, sound recordings, musical or dramatic performances, poems, poster presentations, reviews, videos, webinars, and workshops.

If you would like to submit a publication or creative work or have questions about what is eligible for inclusion, please contact Lea Iadarola.


Submissions from 2018


Empirical, Clinical, and Multicultural Applications of Individual Psychology, Article, Jon Sperry and Len Sperry


Aristophanes in the Apology of Socrates, Article, Sophia A. Stone


Using Engagement Data to Improve First to Second Year Persistence, Presentation, Theresa Gallo

Adlerian Case Conceptualization, Workshop, Jon Sperry

The Effectiveness of Family Behavior Therapy for Adolescent Behavioral and Substance Misuse Complications: A Meta-Analysis, Poster Presentation, Torica L. Exume and Robyn L. Lyn


Creating Advertising & Marketing Classes to Motivate the Millennial and Generation Z Cohort, Conference Session, Erika Grodzki, Stefanie Powers, and Andrew Burnstine

Do Former College Athletes Make the Best New Hires?, Conference Session, Chad Barr and Kristen Migliano


What's My Motivation Here? Creating User Personas to Market to Diverse Users, Conference Session, Sabine J. Dantus

Solo Piano Recital: "Halley's Comet" at Highland Beach Library, Performance, Roberta Rust

Scaffolding with Professional Podcasting, Conference Session, Alanna L. Lecher

Marketing Academic Library Resources and Services: How Marketing and Outreach Support a Library's Value Proposition -- And an Analysis of Current Practices, Conference Session, Sabine J. Dantus, Lisa Martin, Bill Mickey, Jennifer Park, and Michelle Rivera-Spann

Solo Piano Recital and Master Class at Broward College, Performance, Roberta Rust


Implementing a Telecommuting Program in Higher Education, Poster Presentation, Chris Boniforti and Maria Piret

Millennial and Gen Z Pre-Service and Practicing Teachers Preferred Choices of iPad Apps for Use with Diverse Students, Presentation, Kelly A. Burlison, Jennifer J. Lesh, and Susan Saint John

New Tools for Teaching? Pre-Service Teachers Insights to Educational iPad Apps, Presentation, Kelly A. Burlison and Susan Saint John


Creating Pathways for Student Success through a Student Affairs Curriculum, Presentation, Theresa Gallo, Anita Vorreyer, and Jaclyn Kuwik-Buttacavoli


Creating Advertising & Marketing Classes to Motivate the Millennial and Generation Z Cohort, Conference Session, Erika Grodzki, Stefanie Powers, and Andrew Burnstine


Come on Ride the Train! Using Universal Design in Training Development, Presentation, Jaclyn Kuwik-Buttacavoli

Partnerships in Caribbean Countries: Enriching the Conversation, Presentation, Jennifer J. Lesh and Amy Stevens

Narcissism and Academic Achievement, Presentation, Rachel E. Pauletti, Patrick J. Cooper, and A Bell Cooper


Applied Neuromarketing Research: Examining Delta Brain Waves Activity as Predictor of Consumer Choice, Conference Session, Matteo Peroni


Impact of Acculturation on Student Performance: A Case Study of Indian Students, Conference Session, Harika Rao


Join Them, If You Cannot Beat Them – Social Media in Higher Education: A Qualitative Study on the Benefits of Using Social Media in Higher Education, Conference Session, Harika Rao and Walid Abo Shanab


Key to Classroom Success: A Qualitative Study on the Advantages of Leveraging the Use of Technology to Stimulate Student-Teacher Interaction, Conference Session, Harika Rao and Walid Abo Shanab


Solving the Diversity and Talent Paradox in the Melting Pot of the Higher Education: A Qualitative Case Study on the Benefits of H1B Visa Employees in Academics, Conference Session, Harika Rao and Walid Abo Shanab

Intensive Adlerian Psychology Workshop, Workshop, Jon Sperry


Μονάς, Odd numbers, and ψυχή in the Phaedo, Presentation, Sophia A. Stone

Factors Affecting Student Experiences in Hybrid Courses, Conference Session, Sanne Unger, Alanna Lecher, and Carrie Simpson


Females in STEM Field: Is Equality Part of the Problem? A Conversation., Conference Session, Amanda M. Wolcott


The Role of Emotional Intelligence in Workplace Humor, Conference Session, Amanda M. Wolcott

Constructing the Classical Monologue, Workshop, Harry Murphy

A Comparison of Proctored on Ground Exams vs. Unproctored Online Exams in Undergraduate Finance Courses, Paper Presentation, Robert W. Reich, Claudia Milhano, and Dawn Valentine

The E-STEAM (Exploring Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) Project for Girls Mentoring Program, Poster Presentation, Rose Llanos

Adlerian Case Conceptualization, Workshop, Jon Sperry


Our Five Greatest Presidents (and Our Three Worst), Presentation, Robert P. Watson


Service Learning Project Showcase, Conference Session, Denise Belafonte-Young, Chandra Clark, and Nick Taylor

Using a Faculty-Made Multi-Touch Book in Research Methods Courses, Conference Session, Sanne Unger (0000-0002-4404-2718) and Melissa Lehman (0000-0001-7764-1058)


A Cohort-Based Program to Help Students Prepare a Conference Research Presentation, Poster Presentation, Alanna L. Lecher

Solo Piano Recital at Harbour’s Edge, Performance, Roberta Rust

The Impact of Shame & Empathy on Professional Identity Development, Poster Presentation, Angie O'Gieblyn, Jonathon Roy, and Ashley Kaufman


Infusing Case Conceptualization and Treatment Planning into the Counseling Practicum and Internship Learning Experience, Conference Session, Jon Sperry, Ali Cunningham Abbott, and Debra L. Ainbinder


WWII: Surprising Stories You Never Learned in History Class, Presentation, Robert P. Watson

Hashtag Blessed: The Social Media Humblebrag as Religious Signaling and Nietzschean Transvaluation, Paper Presentation, Kathryn E. Hamm (Cook) and Richard F. Hamm III (Eric)


Lecture and Recital: "Piano Music of the Americas", Performance, Roberta Rust


LUDP Multi-Touch Books: Reducing Textbook Costs Through Technology, Conference Session, Jordan Chussler and Dawn Dubruiel


2018 Communication Technology Update and Fundamentals: Automotive Telematics, Conference Session, Denise Belafonte-Young

The Self in Science Fiction Films, Conference Session, Bonnie Bonincontri


Moral Psychology of the Fading Affect Bias, Article, Andrew J. Corsa and W. Richard Walker


10 Evidence-Based Tips for Counseling Adults with Autism, Presentation, Ali Cunningham Abbott and Alison Bourdeau

What Works? Pre-Service Teachers Insights to Education Apps, Presentation, Jennifer J. Lesh, Kelly A. Burlison, and Susan Saint John


Perceptions of Doctoral Students in a CPED Model Improvement Science Program, Poster Presentation, Jennifer J. Lesh, Kelly A. Burlison, and Kathleen Weigel

Act Like You Mean It, Workshop, Bruce Linser

The E-STEAM (Exploring Science, Technology, Engineering, Arts and Math) Project for Girls Mentoring Program, Article, Rose Llanos, Maureen McDermott, Randi L. Sims, Molly J. Scanlon, Sarena Hicks, Maria Ballester, Tennille Davis Shuster, Kandy G. Lopez-Moreno, Melissa L. Dore, R Anderson, Sheila Fabius, and Julie Torruellas Garcia


Secrecy and Transparency in Nonprofit Organizations: If a Nonprofit Prefers Secrecy, What Does it Want to Hide?, Presentation, Barry D. Friedman and Amanda M. Wolcott


Greek Mathematics in Plato’s Parmenides, Presentation, Sophia A. Stone


Our Broken Two-Party System: Gridlock, Dysfunction, and Incivility, Presentation, Robert P. Watson


Helping Geoscience Students Thrive in Graduate School, Article, Alanna L. Lecher


Marketing Academic Library Resources and Services [Choice White Paper no. 2], Article, Jennifer Park and Sabine J. Dantus


When to Add More Rooms to Your Hotel Property, Article, James F. Downey


Africa is in Me, Poem, Jeff Morgan


Evidence-Based Adlerian Therapy: Special Issue, Article, Jon Sperry


An Examination of Pedagogy in Middle School Science and Its Effect on Student Achievement, Dissertation, Brittany E. Kiser


Objective List Theories and Ill-Being, Poster Presentation, Christopher M. Rice


What’s My Motivation Here? Creating User Personas to Attract Diverse Patrons, Conference Session, Sabine J. Dantus

Pop-Up into Popular Culture: The Emergence of Pop-Ups, Keynote Address, Andrew Burnstine, Erika Grodzki, and Stefanie Powers


Environmental Statistics, iBook (Restricted), Alanna L. Lecher

Solo Piano Recital and Open Master Class at the Manila International Piano Masterclasses Festival, Performance, Roberta Rust

Drumming and Music in Individual Psychology, Workshop, Jon Sperry

Motivational Interviewing, Workshop, Jon Sperry

Adlerian Lifestyle Assessment and Early Recollections, Workshop, Jon Sperry

Group Drumming in Academic Settings, Workshop, Jon Sperry

Using Motivational Interviewing in Academic Settings, Workshop, Jon Sperry

Adlerian Case Conceptualization and Motivational Interviewing, Workshop, Jon Sperry

Planning PD: Tools for Developing Successful Programs, Presentation, Jennifer Bullock and Jennifer J. Lesh


The Politics of Religion: Globalization & Spirituality, Presentation, Mark Luttio


Jupiter shone, Poem, Jeff Morgan


Creating Authentic Connection in Counselor Education, Article, Angie O'Gieblyn and Jonathon Roy

Recital and Master Class at the 2018 Rebecca Penneys Piano Festival, Performance, Roberta Rust

Adlerian Case Conceptualization, Workshop, Jon Sperry

Adlerian Case Conceptualization, Workshop, Jon Sperry


Aligning for Partnership: How Enterprise IT Can Help Transform the Institutional Mission, Article, Betsy Reinitz, Chris Boniforti, Josie DeBaere, Jay Eckles, Peggy Kay, and Cindy Mitchell


The Representation of Mature Adults in TV Commercials: A Cross-Cultural Content Analysis of Portrayals in Poland and the U.S., Conference Session, Erika Grodzki and Kinga Kowalewska

Group Drumming on Affective States of Inpatient Substance Abusers, Poster Presentation, Abbigail Rinard, Jon Sperry, Patrick J. Cooper, and Andrew Baker

Achieving Evidence-Based Status for Adlerian Psychotherapy, Conference Session, Len Sperry and Jon Sperry

Group Drumming in Individual Psychology, Conference Session, Jon Sperry, Gerardo Casteleiro, Abbigail Rinard, and Andrew Baker


Our Broken Two Party System: Can American Politics be Fixed?, Presentation, Robert P. Watson

Capital in the First Century: The Evolution of Inequality in Ancient Maya Society, Chapter, Urszula Strawinska-Zanko, Larry S. Liebovitch, April Watson, and Clifford T. Brown


Six Ideal Site Considerations that Hotel Developers Should Investigate, Article, James F. Downey

Choosing Learning Apps with a Mental Model of Rigor and Relevance, Presentation, Kelly A. Burlison and Richard D. Jones


The Customer is Always Right; but That Doesn’t Mean the Student is Too, Presentation, Jessica Fitzpatrick


Digitizing Student Engagement and Club/Organization Operations, Presentation, Jessica Fitzpatrick and Andy Gould

An Introduction to Universal Design for Learning: Until Learning Has No Boundaries, Presentation, Jennifer J. Lesh

Mindful Consumption: A Grounded Consumer Perspective, Poster Presentation, George R. Milne, Francisco Villarroel Ordenes, and Begum Kaplan-Oz

A Text Mining Segmentation Approach to Understand the Role of Privacy (or lack of) in Consumers’ Lives, Poster Presentation, George R. Milne, Francisco Villarroel Ordenes, Alec N. Slepchuck, and Begum Kaplan-Oz

Adlerian Case Conceptualization, Workshop, Jon Sperry


Extending Individual Psychology Theory and Practice, Article, Jon Sperry and Len Sperry


How BAND® Has Revolutionized Managing Lynn University’s Campus Visit Experience Team, Conference Session, Kevin Studer and Tierra Thompson

Using Early Recollections in Counseling Practice, Workshop, Jon Sperry


Response to Andrew Payne, “Dianoia, Dialectic, and Giving an Account of Hypotheses in Republic 6 and 7", Response or Comment, Sophia A. Stone


The Science of Number in Plato’s Parmenides, Presentation, Sophia A. Stone