Document Type
Conference Session
Publication Date
After graduation, counselor educators and supervisors may have limited contact with alumni who are now working as professional counselors. We spend years helping them learn, develop and grow but are often left wondering how our teaching and supervision influenced them in the “real world”. We mostly learn about alumni outcomes through aggregate assessment data, but qualitatively we may be missing pieces that help us learn more about how to improve ways we teach and supervise to best prepare graduates for this career. This program reviews one method for engaging alumni in a semi-structured interview that helps address this curiosity. Participants will learn about how to effectively connect with alumni and apply results from interview data to programmatic changes that can best prepare students for the field.
Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (ACES) Conference
Seattle, WA
College of Arts and Sciences
Recommended Citation
Cunningham Abbott, A., Ainbinder, D. L., O'Gieblyn, A., & Sperry, J. (2019, October 10-13). Are you ready for this? Graduates self-perceived self-efficacy and readiness for a career in counseling [Conference session]. Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (ACES) Conference, Seattle, WA, United States.