Faculty and Staff Publications & Presentations is a collection of academic publications, presentations, and other creative works, created by Lynn University faculty, adjuncts, and staff.
Examples of work include, but are not limited to: journal articles, art exhibits, blog entries, books or book chapters, conference proceedings or sessions, news articles, editorials or opinion pieces, films, graphic novels, notable lectures or presentations, musical scores, sound recordings, musical or dramatic performances, poems, poster presentations, reviews, videos, webinars, and workshops.
If you would like to submit a publication or creative work or have questions about what is eligible for inclusion, please contact Lea Iadarola.
Submissions from 2021
Lean on ME(dia): Helping Pre-Service Teachers to Recognize the Value of Media Integration Partnerships in the K-6 Classroom, Conference Session, Brittany E. Kiser and Kelly A. Burlison
Book Talk: Robert P. Watson on "George Washington's Final Battle", Webinar, Robert P. Watson
Trending Challenges of IoT (Internet of Things) in Garment Industry (Smart Wearables) and the Importance in Protecting from Cyber-Attacks, Conference Session, George S. Antoniou and Andrew Burnstine
Surreal: A Look at how Lynn University's Virtual Fashion Show has Transformed the Landscape of Fashion Show Production, and Fashion Marketing, Conference Session, Andrew Burnstine
John Cage, Henry David Thoreau, Wild Nature, Humility, and Music, Article, Andrew J. Corsa
Understanding COVID Vaccine Perceptions in the United States, Conference Session, Erika Grodzki, Stefanie Powers, and Hung Chum Kao (Kevin)
Utilizing Work Style Preferences to Effectively Manage Various Work Team Arrangements in Dynamic Organizational Systems, Conference Session, Kristen Migliano and Karyna Bihel
Applying to Graduate Programs: How Is It Different?, Workshop, Pamela Carroll, Steve Pruitt, Caroline Ferrucci, and Julie Gross
Self-Care for Faculty, Workshop, Jon Sperry and Debra L. Ainbinder
Broader Impacts for STEM Education in Rural Schools, Article, Alanna L. Lecher and Brittany E. Kiser
First Ladies: Behind the Scenes with Six Powerful Women, Presentation, Robert P. Watson
Teaching Philosophy for Self-Transformation, Presentation, Sophia A. Stone
Book Talk with Robert Watson: Escape! The Story of the Confederacy’s Infamous Libby Prison and the Civil War’s Largest Jail Break, Webinar, Robert P. Watson
Crab in Amber Reveals an Early Colonization of Nonmarine Environments During the Cretaceous, Article, Javier Luque (0000-0002-4391-5951), Lida Xing (0000-0003-3923-9206), Derek E. G. Briggs (0000-0003-0649-6417), Elizabeth G. Clark (0000-0003-4289-6370), Alex Duque, Junbo Hui (0000-0002-6321-444X), Huijuan Mai (0000-0002-3157-263X), and Ryan C. McKellar (0000-0002-7451-4368)
“Ghosting” and its Impact on Professional Communication, Conference Session, Gary Carlin and Stefanie Powers
The Impact of Hospitality Industry-Wide Shutdowns on One University's Internship Program: A Case Study, Article, Polly A. College, Bill Quain, James F. Downey, and Tara Marsh
Cutting the Apron Strings: How to Shift from Enabling to Empowering, Conference Session, Melissa Knight
American Presidents and Alexander Hamilton: Hamilton: Man, Myth, Musical, Webinar, Robert P. Watson
PostDemic, Film, Benjamin T. Orifici
They’re Gonna Kill That Poor Woman: Men, Women, and Political Philia in The Big Lebowski, Conference Session, Peter S. Fosl and Sophia A. Stone
How ADHD Impacts Estimated Life Expectancy, Conference Session, Melissa Knight
Reimagining Campus Through a Two-Phase Roll Out!, Conference Session, Andrea Camargo and Harika Rao
Teaching Advanced Technology with Higher Education: Computer Animation, Film Production and Broadcasting, Conference Session, Erika Grodzki, Mark Coné, Leslie Wing Orúe, John Conway, and Hung Chum Kao (Kevin)
Moving Forward in a Pandemic: Bringing Class-Client Consultation to Graduate Education, Conference Session, Matteo Peroni and Harika Rao
Increasing Retention in Higher Education through Competency-Based Education, Conference Session, JéVaughn J. Lancaster
To Synchronous or Not to Asynchronous: A Path to Explore in the New Academic Life, Conference Session, Harika Rao and Kendrick Scott
Backward Design and Rapid Instructional Design for Asynchronous Project-Based Learning, Conference Session, Dawn Dubruiel and Valerie Bryan
Introduction to Adlerian Psychology, Lecture, Jon Sperry
American Presidents and Alexander Hamilton: How Historians Rank the Presidents, Webinar, Robert P. Watson
A Triadic Worldview? The Misconception and Bias of Universality in Knowles’ Andragogy, Conference Session, Sabine J. Dantus
Rhythm and Social Interest, Keynote Address, Jon Sperry
Self-Care and Courage, Webinar, Jon Sperry
Adlerian Psychopathology, Conference Session, Jon Sperry
Psychopathology from an Adlerian Perspective, Conference Session, Jon Sperry
Introduction to the Principles of Economics, iBook (OER), Andrea Camargo (Editor) and Lynn University Digital Press
Maieutic Irony: Socratic Method and Pedagogical Communication, Paper Presentation, Kathryn E. Hamm (Cook)
Motivating Sustainable Behaviors: The Role of Religiosity in a Cross-Cultural Context, Article, Begum Kaplan and Easwar S. Iyer
Secret Nazi Bases [Television Series], TV Series, Robert P. Watson
“Happy Birthday, Angie Thomas!” Author of The Hate U Give, Blog, Sabine J. Dantus
Adlerian Case Conceptualization, Presentation, Jon Sperry
Lecture and Recital: Piano Works by Leo Brouwer & Almeida Prado, Performance, Roberta Rust
Individual Psychology in 2021, Article, Jon Sperry and Len Sperry
Egos Deflating With the Great Recession: A Cross-Temporal Meta-Analysis and Within-Campus Analysis of the Narcissistic Personality Inventory, 1982–2016, Article, Jean M. Twenge, Sara H. Konrath, A Bell Cooper, Joshua D. Foster, W. Keith Campbell, and Cooper McAllister
Orpheus Chamber Orchestra: Complete Recordings on Deutsche Grammophon, Sound Recording, Guillermo Figueroa
Using Early Recollections in Counseling Practice, Webinar, Jon Sperry
Case Conceptualization, Webinar, Jon Sperry
Wildly Impossible Goals: Day to Day Manifesting for Daring Goals, Book, Elizabeth Schilling
Trauma-Informed Adlerian Practice, Webinar, Jon Sperry
Teaching Parent’s to Implement Social Skills Intervention via Telehealth Using a Behavior Skills Training Package during COVID-19, Dissertation, Torica L. Exume
Leveraging Financial Literacy Programming to Elevate Reading Levels in the K-6 Classroom Environment, Conference Session, Morgan O'Sullivan, Kelly A. Burlison, and Brittany E. Kiser
Parent Training Package to Teach Social Skills to Children With ASD Modified, Poster Presentation, Torica L. Exume and Robyn L. Lyn
Adlerian Psychopathology, Conference Session, Jon Sperry
Career Counseling-Focused Case Conceptualization, Webinar, Jon Sperry
Escape! The Story of the Confederacy's Infamous Libby Prison and the Civil War's Largest Jail Break, Book, Robert P. Watson
What Can Universities Learn From Organizational Creative Space Design Research? A Look at Maker Spaces, Article, Anne F. Santos, Dennis Barber III, Michael Harris, and John Haymore
Thomas Hobbes on Civility, Magnanimity, and Scientific Discourse, Article, Andrew J. Corsa
Vulnerability as a Strength, Blog, Giancarlo A. Simpson
The Expectations of Today's Workforce: What HR Needs to Know, Conference Session, Aaron Greenberg
How-to: Develop an ADA Faculty Training Program, Conference Session, Catherine Wharton
The Fifth-Year Interim Report: Insider Edition with Cluster Chairs, Conference Session, Sheila Luke, Cindy Lewis, and Tom Jaynes
The Past, Present, and Future of the Journal of Individual Psychology: The Role in Healing and Growth, Paper Presentation, Jon Sperry and Marina Bluvshtein
Motivational Interviewing in Individual Psychology Practice, Conference Session, Jon Sperry
Transitioning from the Pandemic, Presentation, Sophia A. Stone
Techniques & Interventions in Counseling, iBook (Restricted), Debra L. Ainbinder and Jon Sperry
The English Writer’s Handbook, iBook (OER), Bonnie Bonincontri
Of National Homes and Despotic Symbols: Network Narrative Films, Global Cities, and Crossings and Local Paths, Chapter, Nava Dushi
Piano Master Class at the 2021 Rebecca Penneys Piano Festival, Lecture, Roberta Rust
Adlerian Psychopathology and Supervision, Webinar, Jon Sperry
Group Drumming and the Crucial Cs: Immediate Effects of an Adlerian-Based Group Drumming Intervention on Mood and Social Interest Among College Students, Article, Jon Sperry, Gerardo Casteleiro, Abbigail Rinard, and Patrick J. Cooper
The Rodney Dangerfield School of English: Episode 7, Outlines & Fragments, Chapter, Jeff Morgan
Putting Fun into Financial Literacy, Conference Session, Morgan O'Sullivan
The Intersection of Racial Justice and Intellectual Freedom in Libraries: Moving From Performative to Transformative Action, Conference Session, Sabine J. Dantus
CUREing Exposure to Environmental Chemicals from Personal Care Products, Workshop, Erika L. Doctor and Cassandra S. Korte
Solo Piano Recital: All-Mozart at St. Andrew’s Estates South, Performance, Roberta Rust
What Constitutes an Israeli Minor Film?, Paper Presentation, Nava Dushi
Parent-Training Package to Teach Social Skills to Children With Autism Spectrum Disorder Area, Poster Presentation, Torica L. Exume and Robyn L. Lyn
Immediate Effects of an Adlerian-based Group Drumming Intervention on Mood and Social Interest Among College Students, Poster Presentation, Jon Sperry, Gerardo Casteleiro, Abbigail Rinard, Adrienne Apple, Julia Miller, and Ashley Hayden
The Past, Present and Future of the Journal of Individual Psychology, Conference Session, Jon Sperry and Len Sperry
Diagnosing and Treating Personality Disorders Based on Alfred Adler's View of Personality, Conference Session, Len Sperry and Jon Sperry
Virtual Piano Master Class for the British School Al Khubairat, Lecture, Roberta Rust
Rhythm and Cooperation in the Classroom, Conference Session, Jon Sperry
Case Conceptualization: Key to Highly Effective Therapy, Webinar, Jon Sperry
Learning from Fiction to Change our Personal Narratives, Article, Andrew J. Corsa
Increasing Retention in Higher Education Institutions Through Competency-Based Education, Dissertation, JéVaughn J. Lancaster
Your Money, Your Way: Making Sound Financial Choices at College & Beyond, iBook (Restricted), Morgan O'Sullivan
Adlerian Therapy: Theory and Practice, Workshop, Jon Sperry
Washington, DC: What Really Happened in the Room Where it Happened, Presentation, Robert P. Watson
George Washington and the Creation of District of Columbia, Webinar, Robert P. Watson
Implications of the COVID-19 Pandemic on Students' Evaluations: Performance Comparison Fall 2019 vs Fall 2020, Conference Session, Harika Rao and Andrea Camargo
What's Coming for the Death Penalty, Paper Presentation, Paul R. Gormley
From Zora Neale Hurston’s “What White Publishers Won’t Print” (1950) TO #PublishingPaid Me (2020), Blog, Sabine J. Dantus
Trauma-Informed Pedagogy, Webinar, Jon Sperry
Being Neutral on Τὰ Μαθηματικά in Plato’s Republic, Critique on Andrew Payne’s Teleology of Action in Plato’s Republic, Symposium contribution, Anna Bates, Yancy Dominick, Nicolas D. Smith, Sophia A. Stone, and Andrew Payne
Reopening During a Pandemic: Responses to Library COVID-19 Policies, Article, Amy An
The Renaissance in Florence, Italy, iBook (Restricted), Dawn Dubruiel
Wellness Tribe: Gamification of the IS-WEL Adlerian-Based Model of Wellness, Article, Robert R. Freund, Carman S. Gill, and Debra L. Ainbinder
Political, Legal, and Cultural Dimensions of Global Markets, iBook (OER), Lynn University Digital Press and Jeanette D. Francis
Piano Master Classes (Virtual & In-Person) at North Broward Preparatory School, Lecture, Roberta Rust
Recent Advances That Extend Research and Practice in Individual Psychology, Article, Jon Sperry and Len Sperry
Adapting to Virtual Programming: Lessons Learned from AAUW - Nova Southeastern University (NSU) Branch 3073, Conference Session, Julie Torruellas Garcia, Rose Llanos, and Randi L. Sims