Behavioral Analysis of Deep Convolutional Neural Networks for Image Classification

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Within Deep CNNs there is great excitement over breakthroughs in network performance on benchmark datasets such as ImageNet. Around the world competitive teams work on new ways to innovate and modify existing networks, or create new ones that can reach higher and higher accuracy levels. We believe that this important research must be supplemented with research into the computational dynamics of the networks themselves. We present research into network behavior as it is affected by: variations in the number of filters per layer, pruning filters during and after training, collapsing the weight space of the trained network using a basic quantization, and the effect of Image Size and Input Layer Stride on training time and test accuracy. We provide insights into how the total number of updatable parameters can affect training time and accuracy, and how “time per epoch” and “number of epochs” affect network training time. We conclude with statistically significant models that allow us to predict training time as a function of total number of updatable parameters in the network.


Florida Atlantic University


Boca Raton, FL


College of Arts and Sciences
