"A City of Silver & A City of Fire" by Roberta Rust and Louis W. Ballard (Composer)

A City of Silver & A City of Fire

Document Type

Sound Recording

Publication Date



A CITY OF SILVER & A CITY OF FIRE from pianist Roberta Rust marked a monumental moment for classical music as Carnegie Hall’s first presentation of music by an American Indian composer performed by an American Indian artist. Written in celebration of two cities close to the composer’s heart, these works by Louis W. Ballard come with a generous helping of intricate musical narratives and sentimental tones that speak clearly and thoughtfully through Rust’s performance. Originally recorded in 1984, these pieces honor the late composer and spirit of those to whom they’re dedicated in this live recording.


A City of Silver & A City of Fire


Navona Records LLC


Conservatory of Music

Streaming Media


Recorded October 12, 1984 at Carnegie Recital Hall in New York NY

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