
Submissions from 2024


Maximizing Effective Technology Use in Teacher Preparation Programs Post-Pandemic, Paper Presentation, Brittany E. Kiser, Jennifer J. Lesh, and Kelly A. Burlison.

Generative AI: Is it a Game-Changer or the Wild Frontier for Special Education?, Keynote Address, Jennifer J. Lesh.

So, You Want to Incorporate GenAI in Your ESE Department; Now What?, Keynote Address, Jennifer J. Lesh.

Submissions from 2023

President’s Panel, Conference Session, Andrea Borowczak, Chad Rummel, Kelley Dooley, Nadia Behizadeh, Enrique Galindo, Richard Culatta, Jonathan Cohen, Don McMahon, and Jennifer J. Lesh.

In Times of COVID and Beyond; Teacher Preparation (EDU, ECE, ESE) Program Tips, Conference Session, Kelly A. Burlison, Brittany E. Kiser, and Jennifer J. Lesh.

I Want to Be An LGBTQ+ Ally: Can You Help Me?, Conference Session, Bryan Cichy-Parker, Brandy Brewer, and Jennifer J. Lesh.


Bridging Research and the Classroom: The Legacy and Learning of Robert E. Slavin, Chapter, Brittany E. Kiser.


Introducing the Arts to the K-6 Classroom: A Compilation of Open Educational Resources (OERs), iBook (OER), Brittany E. Kiser.


Ingenuity in the Pandemic: A Cross-Course Science-Literacy Integration Project, Conference Proceeding, Brittany E. Kiser and Kelly A. Burlison.


Ingenuity in the Pandemic: A Cross-Course Science-Literacy Integration Project, Paper Presentation, Brittany E. Kiser and Kelly A. Burlison.

Get the Tea from Teachers!, Conference Session, Danielle Kovach, Benjamin Tillotson, Marissa Kase, and Anna Adl.


Building Community in the Asynchronous Environment; Perspectives Across the Campus, Conference Session, JéVaughn J. Lancaster, Harika Rao, and Brittany E. Kiser.


ChatGPT and Other Generative AI: A Game Changer for Special Education?, Keynote Address, Jennifer J. Lesh.

Council for Exceptional Children Leadership Panel, Presentation, Jennifer J. Lesh.

Implementing Strategic Instruction Model (SIM) in Higher Education, Conference Session, Jennifer J. Lesh.

Special Needs Advisory Coalition Panel, Presentation, Jennifer J. Lesh.


Rethinking Special Education Teacher Preparation for a Post-Pandemic World, Conference Session, Jennifer J. Lesh, Brittany E. Kiser, and Kelly A. Burlison.


Revitalizing Special Education Teacher Preparation Programs: Innovative Tips for a Post-COVID World!, Conference Session, Jennifer J. Lesh and Diana L. Morales.


Teacher Burnout, Compassion Fatigue, and Vicarious Trauma in Florida Teachers, Conference Session, Jennifer J. Lesh and Diana L. Morales.

Lynn University Graduate Program Offerings, Conference Session, Steve Pruitt, Jennifer J. Lesh, and Diana L. Morales.

Trim One’s Sails: Developing Cross-Cultural Teacher Preparation Partnerships in the Caribbean, Conference Session, Amy Stevens and Jennifer J. Lesh.


Beyond Standard Measures: Crafting an Inclusive Evaluation Tool for Special Education Teachers in Self-Contained Settings, Article, Kareem Thompson and Jennifer J. Lesh.

Submissions from 2022

Catch the Wave: Pre-Service Teachers Surfing Literacy to Promote Science Instruction, Conference Session, Kelly A. Burlison and Brittany E. Kiser.


Be What I Want to Be: Social Emotional Learning Lessons, Chapter, Marissa L. Kase, Cortney D. Roberts, and Jennifer J. Lesh.


Landing a Job at Your Dream School, Blog, Brittany E. Kiser.

Teacher Preparation Program Tips in Times of COVID, and Beyond!, Conference Session, Jennifer J. Lesh, Kelly A. Burlison, and Brittany E. Kiser.


Writing Culturally and Linguistically Data-Driven IEPs, Chapter, Diana L. Morales, Julie Esparza Brown, and Amanda K. Sanford.

Submissions from 2021


Lean on ME(dia): Helping Pre-Service Teachers to Recognize the Value of Media Integration Partnerships in the K-6 Classroom, Conference Session, Brittany E. Kiser and Kelly A. Burlison.


Broader Impacts for STEM Education in Rural Schools, Article, Alanna L. Lecher and Brittany E. Kiser.

So, You Have to Pivot to Distance Learning, No Problem! UDL Tips for the Inclusive Remote Classroom!, Conference Session, Jennifer J. Lesh.


Urban Secondary School Administrators and Faculty Perceptions of Multitiered System of Supports/Response to Intervention, Article, Jennifer J. Lesh, Cortney D. Roberts, Dennis Cavitt (0000-0002-0342-527X), and Diana L. Morales.


Leveraging Financial Literacy Programming to Elevate Reading Levels in the K-6 Classroom Environment, Conference Session, Morgan O'Sullivan, Kelly A. Burlison, and Brittany E. Kiser.

Submissions from 2020


New Ways to Educate? Pre-service Teachers’ Insights to Social Impact Curriculum, Conference Session, Kelly A. Burlison and Brittany E. Kiser.


Desperately Seeking Citations: A Practical Guide for Lynn University Doctoral Students, iBook (Restricted), James Guthrie and Suzanne Spencer.


I Have to Teach How? Preparing Science Teachers for the Post-Pandemic Classroom, Conference Session, Brittany E. Kiser.


Don’t Forget About Yourself: Words of Wisdom on Special Education Teacher Self-Care, Article, Jennifer J. Lesh.


IEP 101: Practical Tips for Writing and Implementing Individual Education Programs, Article, Jennifer J. Lesh.


Navigating Two Pandemics: Racism/Inequity and COVID-19: Thoughts From a Former Special Education Teacher, Article, Jennifer J. Lesh.


Inside the Classroom, iBook (Restricted), Susan Saint John.

Submissions from 2019

Using CPED Design Concepts to Build the Ed.D. Brand: Doctoral Student Insights, Conference Session, Kelly A. Burlison and Jennifer J. Lesh.

Nontraditional Note-Taking Strategies, Conference Session, Brittany E. Kiser.


Supportive Contexts for Action Research in Education, Chapter, Jennifer J. Lesh and Jennifer Gleason.

Submissions from 2018

Planning PD: Tools for Developing Successful Programs, Presentation, Jennifer Bullock and Jennifer J. Lesh.

Choosing Learning Apps with a Mental Model of Rigor and Relevance, Presentation, Kelly A. Burlison and Richard D. Jones.

Millennial and Gen Z Pre-Service and Practicing Teachers Preferred Choices of iPad Apps for Use with Diverse Students, Presentation, Kelly A. Burlison, Jennifer J. Lesh, and Susan Saint John.

New Tools for Teaching? Pre-Service Teachers Insights to Educational iPad Apps, Presentation, Kelly A. Burlison and Susan Saint John.

An Introduction to Universal Design for Learning: Until Learning Has No Boundaries, Presentation, Jennifer J. Lesh.


Universal Design for Learning Framework and Supports for Use with Students with Autism Spectrum Disorders, Presentation, Jennifer J. Lesh.

What Works? Pre-Service Teachers Insights to Education Apps, Presentation, Jennifer J. Lesh, Kelly A. Burlison, and Susan Saint John.


Perceptions of Doctoral Students in a CPED Model Improvement Science Program, Poster Presentation, Jennifer J. Lesh, Kelly A. Burlison, and Kathleen Weigel.

Partnerships in Caribbean Countries: Enriching the Conversation, Presentation, Jennifer J. Lesh and Amy Stevens.


Using Technology to Enhance the Learning of English Language Learners with Disabilities, Presentation, Diana L. Morales and Jennifer J. Lesh.

Submissions from 2017

Creating Digital Content For Teacher Education Coursework, Presentation, Kelly A. Burlison.


Learning Apps for Rigor and Relevance, Presentation, Richard Jones and Kelly A. Burlison.

Effective Strategies For Classroom Success! Teacher Supports For Use With Students With Autism Spectrum Disorders, Presentation, Jennifer J. Lesh.


General and Special Education Teacher Candidates Perceptions' of iPad Apps Within the UDL Framework, Presentation, Jennifer J. Lesh, Kelly A. Burlison, and Susan Saint John.


Why Stay? A Phenomenological Look at Special Education Teacher Retention, Article, Jennifer J. Lesh, Karen Shatz, Judy Harris-Looby, and Catherine Roberts.

Submissions from 2016


Journey to Becoming a Scholarly Practitioner, Chapter, Nancy C. Kline.

Best Practices For Chairing a Dissertation in Practice. A Non-Traditional Format at the Doctoral Level, Presentation, Jennifer J. Lesh and Kelly A. Burlison.

Digital Immigrants Have An App For That: Infusing iPad App Training in Special and General Education Teacher Courses, Presentation, Jennifer J. Lesh and Kelly A. Burlison.

Do You Have An App For That? Infusing Apple Technology In Teacher Education Courses, Presentation, Jennifer J. Lesh and Kelly A. Burlison.

Practice Makes Perfect...Why? Because We Have An App For That! Infusing iPad Training in Teacher Education Coursework, Presentation, Jennifer J. Lesh and Kelly A. Burlison.

Reading! No Problem! Infusing Technology Into Reading Instruction and Assessment, Presentation, Jennifer J. Lesh and Kelly A. Burlison.

Teach-IN: Inclusion, Involvement and Innovation, Presentation, Jennifer J. Lesh and Kelly A. Burlison.

Technology Invasion: Apps to Revolutionize the Diverse 21st Century Classroom. Time to Launch!, Presentation, Jennifer J. Lesh, Kelly A. Burlison, Carmen Ronnie, Marie Christin Lema, and Marie-Cecile Heinze.

We Have An App For That: Infusing Technology in Teacher Education Courses, Presentation, Jennifer J. Lesh, Kelly A. Burlison, Carmen Ronnie, Anika Smith, and Nicky Gomez.

Partnerships in Caribbean Countries: Bringing Special Education to Developing Countries, Sustaining the Conversation, Presentation, Jennifer J. Lesh and Amy Stevens.


Personalize - Don't Standardize, Article, Kathleen Weigel and Richard D. Jones.

Submissions from 2015

Creating an iPad "Art" Room, Presentation, Kelly A. Burlison and Nancy C. Kline.

Partnerships in Caribbean Countries: Bringing Special Education Training to Developing Countries, Presentation, Jennifer J. Lesh and Amy Stevens.


Ed.D. Program Handbook, iBook (Restricted), Korynne Taylor-Dunlop.

Learning Leaders, Presentation, Kathleen Weigel and Richard D. Jones.


Learning Leaders, Article, Kathleen Weigel and Richard D. Jones.


Changing Schools of Education and the EdD Programs to Produce Impactful Practitioners Lynn University, 2015 Past… Present… and Future, Presentation, Kathleen Weigel and Nancy C. Kline.

Submissions from 2014

Rev. of Confessions of a Bad Teacher: The Shocking Truth from the Front Lines of American Education, by John Owens, Book Review, Priscilla A. Boerger.

Rev. of Conflicts in Culture: Strategies to Understand and Resolve the Issues, by Sandra Harris, and Steve Jenkins, Book Review, Priscilla A. Boerger.

Rev. of Portraits of Promise: Voices of Successful Immigrant Students, by Michael Sadowski, Book Review, Priscilla A. Boerger.

Rev. of The Four C’s of Successful Teaching: Consistency, Contingency, Compassion & Courage, by B.C. Tozer, Book Review, Priscilla A. Boerger.


The Change Process: Examining Implementation of Gender Neutral Housing Using Organizational Theory, Article, Kelly A. Burlison and Josh Chave.


The Impact of Reading Success Academy on High School Reading Achievement, Article, Kelly A. Burlison and Josh Chave.

Action, Research, Results, Presentation, Kelly A. Burlison, Lauren Marianino, and Michelle Wagner.

All Learning Styles Welcome, Presentation, Kathleen Weigel, Korynne Taylor-Dunlop, and Nancy C. Kline.


Group Dissertation in Practice: The Good, the Bad, the Ugly: Perspectives from a College Dean, Dissertation Chair, and Doctoral Candidate, Conference Session, Kathleen Weigel, Korynne Taylor-Dunlop, and Katherine Reedy.

Submissions from 2013

Rev. of Making Civics Count: Citizenship Education for a New Generation, by David E. Campbell, Meira Levinson, and Frederick M. Hess, Book Review, Priscilla A. Boerger.


Rev. of Success Under Stress: Powerful Tools for Staying Calm, Confident, and Productive When the Pressure’s On by Sharon Melnick, Book Review, William J. Leary.

Submissions from 2012


Meeting the Needs of All: Why Schools in Kuwait are Failing to Meet Their Moral Obligation and What Can Be Learned From the U.S. Education System, Article, Cassandra Keller, Valerie A. Storey, and Abrar S. Almoosa.

Rev. of College Acceleration: Innovating Through the New American Research High School by Eric J. Ban, Book Review, William J. Leary.


Rev. of Working with Difficult and Resistant Staff by John F. Eller and Sheila A. Eller, Book Review, William J. Leary.

Submissions from 2011


Rev. of Feel-Bad Education: And Other Contrarian Essays on Schooling and Children, by Alfie Kohn., Book Review, William J. Leary.


Rev. of Truth, Beauty and Goodness Reframed: Educating for the Virtues in the Twenty-First Century, Book Review, William J. Leary.


Action Research: Improving Schools and Empowering Educators, Craig A. Mertler


Rev. of Against the Odds: Insights from One District’s Small School Reform, by Larry Cuban, et al., Book Review, Valerie A. Storey.

Virtuous Leaders and Virtuous Organisations: Healthcare and Higher Education, Article, Valerie A. Storey, Malcolm O. Asadoorian III, and Thomas E. Beeman.


Critical Friends and the Carnegie Foundation Project on the Education Doctorate: A Café Conversation at UCEA, Article, Valerie A. Storey and Rosemarye Taylor.


(Re)Designing and Implementing the Professional Doctorate in Education: Comparing Experiences of a Small Independent University and a Large Public University, Article, Valerie A. Storey and Rosemarye Taylor.

Submissions from 2010


Review of Reforming Boston Schools, 1930-2006, Book Review, William J. Leary.


Rev. of Saving Schools: From Horace Mann to Virtual Learning, Book Review, William J. Leary.


Rev. of The Making of Americans: Democracy and Our Schools, Book Review, William J. Leary.

Critical Friends: Supporting a Small, Private University Face the Challenges of Crafting an Innovative Scholar-Practitioner Doctorate, Article, Valerie A. Storey and Patrick Hartwick.


Utilizing the Platform of Second Life to Teach Future Educators, Article, Valerie A. Storey and Ann A. Wolf.