"Get the Tea from Teachers!" by Danielle Kovach, Benjamin Tillotson et al.

Get the Tea from Teachers!

Document Type

Conference Session

Publication Date



Get the "tea" on hot topics in teaching with and from other teachers! This session is for teachers, by teachers. Whether you are a first-year newbie or a 25-year veteran, join your peeps to exchange ideas and network with colleagues nationwide. Participants will converse and share strategies for common challenges in small groups based on the topic that excites them most. This session will be engaging, informal and directed by attendees’ preferences for what is discussed. Come join us and spill a little (metaphorical) tea! Participants will be able to: Share collaborative thinking about critical issues, sharing knowledge and perspectives, and networking.


International Council for Exceptional Children (CEC) Convention & Expo


Louisville, KY


College of Education

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