Faculty and Staff Publications & Presentations is a collection of academic publications, presentations, and other creative works, created by Lynn University faculty, adjuncts, and staff.
Examples of work include, but are not limited to: journal articles, art exhibits, blog entries, books or book chapters, conference proceedings or sessions, news articles, editorials or opinion pieces, films, graphic novels, notable lectures or presentations, musical scores, sound recordings, musical or dramatic performances, poems, poster presentations, reviews, videos, webinars, and workshops.
If you would like to submit a publication or creative work or have questions about what is eligible for inclusion, please contact Lea Iadarola.
Submissions from 2012
Beyond redemption? Myths and Facts about Sex Offenders, Chapter, Jill S. Levenson
Effectiveness of Residence Restrictions in Preventing Sex Offense Recidivism, Article, Jill S. Levenson, Matt R. Nobles, and Tasha J. Youstin
Applied Projects: Learning Outcome Differences between Senior and Sophomore-Junior Students, Article, Farideh A. Farazmand and Robert D. Green
Review of "Sophie-Carmen Eckhardt-Gramatte, The Six Piano Sonatas (CD)", Music Review, Roberta Rust
The Obama Presidency: A Preliminary Assessment, Book, Robert P. Watson, Jack Covarrubias, Tom Lansford, and Douglas M. Brattebo
Book Review: Sex Fiends, Perverts, and Pedophiles: Understanding Sex Crime Policy in America by Chrysanthi Leon, Book Review, Jill S. Levenson
[Review of the book Clergy Sexual Abuse Litigation: Survivors Seeking Justice, by J. M. Balboni], Book Review, Sindee Kerker
Janie Crawford: From Object to Subject in Their Eyes Were Watching God, Article, Maureen Goldstein
Differences Between and Influences on Male and Female Students' Applied Project Learning Outcomes, Article, Farideh A. Farazmand and Robert D. Green
United States and International Students: A Comparative Learning Outcome Study, Farideh A. Farazmand and Robert D. Green
A Comparative Study of Negotiation Styles: Afghanistan, Iran and Syria, Article, Farideh A. Farazmand, Yu-Te Tu, and Hasan Daneefard
Brooklyn Breach, Film, Benjamin T. Orifici
The Prevalence and Correlates of Depression and Hopelessness among Sex Offenders Subject to Community Notification and Residence Restriction Legislation, Article, Jill S. Levenson, Elizabeth L. Jeglic, and Cynthia Calkins Mercado
Review of "Long Duo, Concertos for Two Pianos (CD)", Music Review, Roberta Rust
Truman’s MacArthur and MacArthur’s Truman: The Roots and Ramifications of the General’s Removal, Chapter, Robert P. Watson and Ken Hechler
The Song of the Ape: Understanding the Languages of Chimpanzees, Book, Andrew R. Halloran
The Impact of Gender and Family Location on Job Characteristics and Organizational Commitment of Expatriates in Mainland, China, Article, Sheng-Wen Liu, Ralph Norcio, and Ying-Chieh Yang
Critical Friends: Curricular Redesign and Implementation of a Small Independent University’s Doctoral and Undergraduate Programs, Chapter, Valerie A. Storey, Katrina Carter-Tellison, and Priscilla A. Boerger
How Many Sex Offenders Really Live Among Us? Adjusted Counts and Population Rates in Five US States, Article, Alissa R. Ackerman, Jill S. Levenson, and Andrew J. Harris
Application of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy to the Quality Assurance of Ethanol and Butanol Blended Gasoline, Article, Khalique Ahmed and Jacob Levenson
Meeting the Needs of All: Why Schools in Kuwait are Failing to Meet Their Moral Obligation and What Can Be Learned From the U.S. Education System, Article, Abrar S. Almoosa, Valerie A. Storey, and Cassandra Keller
Sustainability: Actions Speak Louder than Words, Article, Roberta Atzori, Giuseppe Melis, and Ernestina Giudici
American flute quintets, Sound Recording, Sheila Browne
Women's Studies in Communication (Editor), Article, Valeria Fabj
Are there Different Applied Project Learning Outcomes between Senior and Sophomore-Junior Students?, Farideh A. Farazmand and Robert D. Green
Czech Flute Music: Schulhoff, Feld, Martinů, Dvořák, Sound Recording, Jeffrey Khaner
Sex Offender Risk and Recidivism in Florida, Report, Jill S. Levenson and Ryan T. Shields
Experiences of Nonoffending Parents and Caretakers in Child Sexual Abuse Cases, Article, Jill S. Levenson, Richard Tewksbury, and Janet DiGiorgio-Miller
Customer Loyalty: Influences on Three Types of Retail Stores' Shoppers, Article, Mei-Lien Li, Robert D. Green, Farideh A. Farazmand, and Erika Grodzki
Brahms: Quintets, Op. 34 & Op. 115, Sound Recording, Jon Manasse, Jon Nakamatsu, and Tokyo String Quartet
Trumpet Ensembles: Reaching the Next Level, Article, Marc Reese
Case Conceptualization: Mastering This Competency with Ease and Confidence, Book, Len Sperry and Jon Sperry
Attention, Motivation, And Reading Coherence Failure: A Neuropsychological Perspective, Article, Theodore Wasserman
Las Vegas 2012 EDDA Symposium: Diagnosis Domain, Article, Theodore Wasserman
The Sensitivity and Specificity of Neuropsychological Tests in the Diagnosis of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder, Article, Theodore Wasserman and Lori Drucker Wasserman
Submissions from 2011
Failure to Register as a Predictor of Sex Offense Recidivism: The Big Bad Wolf or a Red Herring?, Article, Kristen M. Zgoba and Jill S. Levenson
Hotel Financial Red Flags: Identifying Financial Problems Now Will Head Off Disaster Later, Article, Linsley T. DeVeau and James F. Downey
Rev. of Truth, Beauty and Goodness Reframed: Educating for the Virtues in the Twenty-First Century, Book Review, William J. Leary
Critical Friends and the Carnegie Foundation Project on the Education Doctorate: A Café Conversation at UCEA, Article, Valerie A. Storey and Rosemarye Taylor
The Constructive Marginal of Moby-Dick: Ishmael and the Developmental Model of Intercultural Sensitivity, Article, Jeff Morgan
Rev. of Feel-Bad Education: And Other Contrarian Essays on Schooling and Children, by Alfie Kohn., Book Review, William J. Leary
Review of "Bach: A Strange Beauty (CD)", Music Review, Roberta Rust
The Impact of Transformational Leadership and Leader-Member Exchange on Socialization in Mergers and Acquisitions, Article, Robert W. Reich (0000-0001-7683-1503)
Women's Studies in Communication (Editor), Article, Valeria Fabj
(Re)Designing and Implementing the Professional Doctorate in Education: Comparing Experiences of a Small Independent University and a Large Public University, Article, Valerie A. Storey and Rosemarye Taylor
Review of "Got Gottschalk? (CD)", Music Review, Roberta Rust
The Negative Impact of Divorce on Children, Article, Lori Wasserman, Sheila C. Furr, and Theodore Wasserman
Virtuous Leaders and Virtuous Organisations: Healthcare and Higher Education, Article, Valerie A. Storey, Malcolm O. Asadoorian III, and Thomas E. Beeman
Seeking the Local, Engaging the Global: Women and Religious Oppression in a Minor Film, Chapter, Nava Dushi
Rortyan Cultural Politics and the Problem of Speaking for Others, Article, Christopher J. Voparil
The Two Moralities of Thomas Hobbes, Paper Presentation, Andrew J. Corsa
Who are the People in Your Neighborhood? A Descriptive Analysis of Individuals on Public Sex Offender Registries, Article, Alissa R. Ackerman, Andrew J. Harris, Jill S. Levenson, and Kristen M. Zgoba
Preventing Sexual Violence: Can Examination of Offense Location Inform Sex Crime Policy?, Article, Nicole Colombino, Cynthia Calkins Mercado, Jill S. Levenson, and Elizabeth Jeglic
Live-Case Study Learning Outcomes: A Comparison between Students with and without Prior Internship Experience, Farideh A. Farazmand and Robert D. Green
The Importance of Supporting Students with Executive Functioning Deficits: The Creation of New Habits Through Academic Coaching, Conference Session, Melissa Knight
Sex Offender Policies in an Era of Zero Tolerance: What Does Effectiveness Really Mean, Article, Jill S. Levenson
Truman the Bipartisan? Conventional Wisdom and the "Do-Nothing" Congress, Chapter, Robert P. Watson
Applied Project Learning Outcomes: A Comaprison between Male and Female Students, Farideh A. Farazmand and Robert D. Green
Community Protection from Sexual Violence: Intended and Unintended Outcomes of U.S. Policies, Chapter, Jill S. Levenson
Public Memorials and American Life, Article, Robert P. Watson and Mona Doreen Greenberg
Review of "George Gershwin: The Original Manuscripts (CD)", Music Review, Roberta Rust
Rev. of Helen Taft: Our Musical First Lady by Lewis L. Gould, Book Review, Robert P. Watson
“At-A-Glance” Music Library, Poster Presentation, Tsukasa Cherkaoui
The CHAE Today: How Does the Profile of CHAE Designees Compare to 20 Years Ago?, Article, Linsley T. DeVeau and James F. Downey
Action Research: Improving Schools and Empowering Educators, Book, Craig A. Mertler
Old Wine in New Bottles: 'Cosi fan tutte' Reconsidered, Article, Barbara R. Barry
"The Pianist" Plays: Reflections on Chopin's G Minor Ballade, Article, Barbara R. Barry
Technology and the Virtues, Paper Presentation, Andrew J. Corsa
Thomas Hobbes' Response to the Fool: Justice and Magnanimity, Dissertation, Andrew J. Corsa
Israeli Cinema in a Global Context: Reclaiming a Minoritarian Status, Chapter, Nava Dushi
Is Religious Culture a Factor in Negotiation: A Cross-Cultural Comparison of Iran, Taiwan and United States, Article, Farideh A. Farazmand, Yu-Te Tu, and Hasan Daneefard
Preventing Sexual Abuse: Community Protection Policies and Practice, Article, Jill S. Levenson and Elizabeth J. Letourneau
Rev. of Against the Odds: Insights from One District’s Small School Reform, by Larry Cuban, et al., Book Review, Valerie A. Storey
Reading Rorty Politically, Article, Christopher J. Voparil
First Ladies, and Their Influence on Politics, Policy, and the Presidency, Article, Robert P. Watson
Roosevelt’s Physical and Psychological Health, Chapter, Robert P. Watson
Submissions from 2010
Lincoln's Enduring Legacy: Perspectives from Great Thinkers, Great Leaders, and the American Experiment, Book, Robert P. Watson, William D. Pederson, and Frank J. Williams
Fourier Transform Infrared and Near-Infrared Spectroscopic Methods for the Detection of Toxic Diethylene Glycol (DEG) Contaminant in Glycerin Based Cough Syrup, Article, Khalique Ahmed, Michael P. McLeod, Jean Nézivar, and Allison W. Giuliani
Chronicles and Witnesses: "A Survivor from Warsaw" through Adorno’s Broken Mirror, Article, Barbara R. Barry
Rev. of Saving Schools: From Horace Mann to Virtual Learning, Book Review, William J. Leary
The Moderating Effect of U.S. Regional Collectivism on Acquired Family Firm Success, Article, Robert W. Reich (0000-0001-7683-1503)
Using Coaching Creativity to Engage Students with ADHD, Presentation, Melissa Knight
Sex Offender Treatment is Not Punishment, Article, Jill S. Levenson and David S. Prescott
Review of "Chopin Piano Concertos 1 & 2 (CD)", Music Review, Roberta Rust
But I Didn't Do It! Ethical Treatment of Sex Offenders in Denial, Article, Jill S. Levenson
Impact of Offshore Outsourcing on Competitive Advantage of U.S. Multinational Corporations, Article, Yoram Benit, Eldon Bernstein, John Cipolla, and Ralph Norcio
The Alienated Child, Article, Sheila C. Furr, Lori Wasserman, and Theodore Wasserman
Graham v. Florida: Review of Supreme Court Decision on Sentencing for Minors, Article, Sindee Kerker
Learning by Doing: A Comparative Study of U.S. And International Students, Farideh A. Farazmand and Robert D. Green
Review of "From Chile to Cuba: Latin American Piano Music (CD)", Music Review, Roberta Rust
Critical Issues in Response-to-Intervention, Comprehensive Evaluation, and Specific Learning Disabilities Identification and Intervention: An Expert White Paper Consensus, Article, James B. Hale, V Alfonso, V Berninger, B Bracken, C Christo, E Clark, M Cohen, A Davis, S Decker, M Denckla, F Dumont, C Elliott, S Feifer, C Fiorello, D Flanagan, E Fletcher-Janzen, D Geary, M Gerber, M Gerner, S Goldstein, N Gregg, R Hagin, L Jaffe, A Kaufman, N Kaufman, T Keith, F Kline, C Kochhar-Bryant, J Lerner, G Marshall, J Mascolo, N Mather, M Mazzocco, G McCloskey, K McGrew, D Miller, J Miller, M Mostert, J Naglieri, S Ortiz, L Phelps, B Podhajski, L Reddy, C Reynolds, C Riccio, F Schrank, E Schultz, M Semrud-Clikeman, S Shaywitz, J Simon, L Silver, L Swanson, A Urso, Theodore Wasserman, J Willis, D Wodrich, P Wright, and J Yalof
Coaching the College Brain: A Focused, Yet Flexible, Educational Model, Presentation, Melissa Knight
Desistance and Attitudes Towards Sex Offenders: Facilitation or Hindrance?, Article, Gwenda M. Willis, JIll S. Levenson, and Tony Ward
Management Philosophies and Lodging Success: An Exploratory Study, Linsley T. DeVeau, Christine Kay, Diann Newman, and Elisa Moncarz
Same Sex Parenting and Divorce, Article, Theodore Wasserman, Sheila C. Furr, and Lori Wasserman
"Everybody's Teaching and Everybody's Learning": Photovoice and Youth Counseling, Article, Laura Smith, Lucinda Bratini, and Lauren Appio
A Shouting Silence: Further Thoughts about Schubert's 'Unfinished', Article, Barbara R. Barry
Failure to Register as a Sex Offender: Is it Associated with Recidivism?, Article, Jill S. Levenson, Elizabeth J. Letourneau, Kevin S. Armstrong, and Kristen M. Zgoba
Sex Offender Treatment: Consumer Satisfaction and Engagement in Therapy, Article, Jill S. Levenson, David S. Prescott, and David A. D'Amora
Three Ways of Looking at Campbell McGrath’s “Ode to Bureaucrats”, Conference Proceeding, Jeff Morgan