Graduate Student Dissertations, Theses, Capstones, and Portfolios | Dissertations, Theses, Capstones, and Portfolios Collections | Lynn University

Graduate Student Dissertations, Theses, Capstones, and Portfolios


Graduate-Level Student Dissertations, Theses, Capstones, and Portfolios is a collection produced by Lynn University students during their masters or doctoral degree programs.

All Lynn University masters and doctoral students are required to submit their approved dissertations, theses, capstones, and portfolios to the Lynn Library for inclusion in SPIRAL via email to Lea Iadarola. PDF format is preferred, but SPIRAL can accommodate a variety of file formats.

This collection also contains digitized versions of the printed volumes of Lynn student theses and dissertations, which were digitized in the Summer of 2017. Any personal and/or sensitive information such as resumes, contact information, and addresses has been redacted. The University Archives has retained a copy of the original, unedited scans.


Submissions from 2004


An Assessment of the Factors that Affect the Level of "Perception of Office Politics", Charles U. Phillips, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Global Leadership - with a specialization in Corporate and Organizational Management


Outsourcing Household Tasks in 1973-2002 Among the Working Mothers of America, Mahmoud Mahmoud Khaial, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Global Leadership


Effectiveness of Implementing Computer-Assisted Language Learning Technology in the English for Specific Purposes Training Program, Chien-Yu Chiu, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Global Leadership


Middle School Student Responses to Family Health Questions: The Effects of Family Caregiving on the Education of Middle School Students with Family Health Issues, Constance T. Siskowski, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)


A Study Into Effective Websites Properties as Defined by the Internet Commerce Evaluation Scale in Taiwan, Yue-Jer Lin, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Global Leadership - with a specialization in Corporate and Organizational Management


The Impact of Web Site Design on Consumer Loyalty in Business-to-Consumer (B2C) Internet Commerce: A Rhetorical Approach, Tsai-Shin Fong, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Corporate and Organizational Management - with a Global Perspective


The Effectiveness of a Case Study Method as Compared to a Traditional Learning Method in One Business School in Taiwan, Chuan-Chun Kuo, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Educational Leadership with a Global Perspective


The Impact of Perceived Interactivity and Vividness of Video Games on Customer Buying Behavior, Yi-Lin Yu, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Corporate and Organizational Management with a Global Perspective


Cultural Patterns of Social Engagement Among the Elderly After the Loss of a Long-term Spouse: Unwrinkled Passion or a Withering of Heart, Tara Saltzman Fleisher, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Global Leadership - with a specialization in Educational Leadership


Higher Education and Field Training Program Performance: Is There a Relationship?, Gary Sallenbach, Thesis, Master of Science (M.S.)

Submissions from 2003


Examining the Post September 11, 2001 Practices of Accredited and Non-accredited Law Enforcement Agencies in the Aspects of Training, Legal and Service Delivery, Eugene G. Savage, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)


Career Readiness and Preparation Criteria in Undergraduate Dance Degree Programs, Kathleen E. Klein, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)


Acculturation Disparity: An Emic Perspective from International Students Enrolled in Two South Florida Institutions of Higher Education, Lisa Knowles, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)


A Comparison of the Level of Anxiety and the Degree of Acculturation among Immigrant ESOL and Mainstreamed-ESOL Students in a Public, Rural High School in South Florida, Herminio Flores-Mulero, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Global Leadership - with a specialization in Educational Leadership


Teachers' and Administrators' Perceptions and Experiences of Best Practices for Success in High-Poverty Schools, Charlotte J. Hayes, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Educational Leadership with a Global Perspective


The Dimensions of Customer Satisfaction In the Financial Services Industry, Jose Salvador Lopez-Alarcon, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Global Leadership - with a specialization in Corporate and Organizational Management


The Effectiveness of a Behavior Modification Program on Young Adolescents After Leaving a Residential Care Facility, Tiffany Bianca North, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Educational Leadership with a Global Perspective


A Case Study of Secondary School General Education Language Arts Teachers' Attitudes Concerning Teaching Mainstreamed English to Speakers of Other Languages (ESOL) Students, Aurora Francois, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)


A Comparative Review of a College Education's Effect on Law Enforcement Officers Relating to Internal Affairs Complaints, Bill Griffin, Thesis, Master of Science (M.S.), Criminal Justice Administration


Stressful Educational Phenomena that Led Teachers to Separate Voluntarily from a South Florida School District, Michael Raymond, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Educational Leadership with a Global Perspective


The Study of the Role and Effects of Vocational Education on the Local Economic and Social Development in China, Chich-Jen Shieh, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Global Leadership - with a specialization in Educational Leadership


A Comparison Between the Higher Educational Systems in Mainland China and Taiwan, I-Ming Wang, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Global Leadership

Submissions from 2002


A Qualitative Study of Bullying Behavior in Federal Law Enforcement: An Examination of Former Officers' Perceptions Regarding the Problem, Rande W. Matteson, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)


A Qualitative Study of the Effects of Transition Services on the Quality of Life for Post-High School (0 - 2 years) Students with Down's Syndrome who are Educable Mentally Retarded, Joseph A. Finley Jr., Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Global Leadership - with a specialization in Educational Leadership


A Study on Intercollegiate Athletics: Should Student-Athletes Receive Pay for Play?, Darryl Matus, Thesis, Master of Science (M.S.), Sports and Athletics Administration


Perceived Stress in the Field of Athletic Training, Gregory R. Burnett, Thesis, Master of Science (M.S.), Sports and Athletics Administration


Parent Perceptions of the Effectiveness of Therapeutic Horseback Riding for Children with Varying Disabilities, Anita L. Scialli, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Educational Leadership


Looking Ahead: A Five-Year Plan for the Lynn University Athletic Department, John McCarthy, Thesis, Master of Science (M.S.), Sports and Athletic Administration


The Effects of the 1994 Major League Baseball Strike on the Business of Professional Baseball, Adam Gruber, Thesis, Master of Science (M.S.), Sports and Athletic Administration


A Study of High School Summer Sports Camps: Is There a Way to Implement Summer Sports Camps at Lynn University that will Benefit all Aspects of the Overall Mission and Goals of Lynn University, Tim DeVinney, Thesis, Master of Science (M.S.), Sports and Athletics Administration


The Impact of Social Stereotypes As They Relate to Training Practices of Female Athletes Competing In High-Risk Sports, Lisa Ciaravella, Thesis, Master of Science (M.S.), Sports and Athletics Administration


An Analysis of Learning Styles Among Young-Old Adults (Age 65-74) and Old-Old Adults (Age 75-99) and the Affect on Aging, Edith R. Ginsberg, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Educational Leadership with a Global Perspective


A Comparison of the Philosophy of Maria Montessori to Current Research on the Educational Practices of Developmentally Delayed and At Risk Students, Tonya K. Parks, Thesis, Master of Education (M.Ed.)


A Study to Identify and Evaluate the Drop in Participation of Sixteen to Twenty Year Olds in Physical Activity, Alison Claire Davies, Thesis, Master of Science (M.S.), Sports and Athletics Administration


It's All Relative: A Study on the Acceptance of Family Employment in College Athletics, Jennifer E. Cirillo, Thesis, Master of Science (M.S.), Sports and Athletics Administration


An Exploration of Bass and Avolio's Transformational and Transactional Leadership Styles and Values of South Texas and Northern Mexico Small Business Owners, Rosie V. DeCosmo, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Educational Leadership with a Global Perspective


The Effectiveness of Communication by Women Inmates in Florida With the Outside World, George A. Manning, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)


Women Entrepreneurs: Factors That Contribute To Women Launching Their Own Business and Factors That Satisfy Women Entrepreneurs, Jean M. McAtavey, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Educational Leadership: A Global Perspective - with a specialization in Corporate Leadership


When Victims Turn to Aggression: A Comparison of Four School Shooters, Paige E. McCann, Thesis, Master of Science (M.S.)


The Characteristics of High School Transition Programs That Assist Learning Disabled Students To Succeed at the Post-Secondary Level, Julia Lynn McNair, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

Submissions from 2001


A Study of the Importance of Life Skills Through Sports, Charles Barr, Thesis, Master of Science (M.S.), Sports and Athletics Administration


Factors that Effect the Course/Subject Selection Process of High School Students of African Descent, Denise-Bonnette Jones, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Educational Leadership with a Global Perspective


The Impact of Teacher Termination on the Level of Stress of Elementary Principals, Lawrence A. Heiser, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Educational Leadership with a Global Perspective


The Effect of Food Safety Training on the Knowledge, Behavior/Attitude and Health of Fourth Graders and Their Parents, Todd W. Tonova, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Education


Eyeguards or Not?: The Effects of Eyewear Usage in Racquetball and How Wearing them can Help Prevent Serious Eye Injuries, Ramona S. Vonondarza, Thesis, Master of Science (M.S.), Sports Administration


Relationships Between Learning Disabilities and the Original Seven Multiple Intelligences and Strategies to Incorporate the Two Domains, Michael P. Callahan, Thesis, Master of Education (M.Ed.)


Ultimate Coping Strategies: The Differences Among Parents of Murdered or Abducted, Long-Term Missing Children, Robert F. DeYoung, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Global Leadership - with a specialization in Educational Leadership


An Investigation of the Relationship Between Formal Christian Education and the Religious Beliefs of Middle and High School Students Currently Attending a Christian School, Monique N. Igbinoba-Cummings, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Educational Leadership with a Global Perspective


The Effects of Hamilton's Power Writing Strategy on the Writing Test Scores of Fourth-grade Hispanic and Haitian ESOL Students, Ann Elizabeth Jackman, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Educational Leadership with a Global Perspective


The Efficacy of Administration Accommodations in Removing Performance Barriers for Limited English Proficient Students on the Florida Comprehensive Assessment Test (FCAT), John J. Meyer, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Educational Leadership with a Global Perspective


Sexual Harassment Policies and Procedures in South Florida Community Colleges: Perceived Affects on Teaching Learning, Lyn J. Pont, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)


Effectiveness and Efficiency of Investment Strategies: A Simulation Model, Ellen Ramsey, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Global Leadership - with a specialization in Corporate and Organizational Management


How Free is Florida's Public Education: An Examination of School Fees in Florida's 67 Counties Public Secondary Schools, Lori Ronan-Khessali, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Global Leadership - with a specialization in Educational Leadership


The Boynton Beach Juvenile First Offender Program: Does it Really Work?, Andrew M. Rosenberg, Thesis, Master of Science (M.S.), Criminal Justice Administration


Non-Predictability of Abdominal Strength and Function with Trunk Manual Muscle Testing in Patients with Low Back Pain, Eric C. Shamus, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)


The Effect of Sesamoid Mobilization and Flexor Hallucis Strengthening on Reducing Pain and Improving Function in the Great Toe, Jennifer Shamus, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)


Attitudes, Perceptions, Behaviors and Responses of Elementary Teachers with Varying Computer Proficiencies Toward a Technology Learning Model, Matthew S. Shoemaker, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

Submissions from 2000


The Study of Participation in Organized Youth Sports and Its Effect on Future Adult Life Success, Scott Register, Thesis, Master of Science (M.S.), Sports and Athletics Administration


What Researchers are Publishing and What Parents are Implementing: Current Interventions for Autism, Barrie Tripp, Thesis, Master of Education (M.Ed.)


The Establishment of a Citizens Police Academy Format into the Palm Beach County School System, Thomas McCabe, Thesis, Master of Science (M.S.), Criminal Justice Administration


Has Title IX Been Successful Since It's Inception In 1972, Vincent Gaudio, Thesis, Master of Science (M.S.), Sports and Athletics Administration


The Impact of NCAA Sanctions On Division I Football Programs, Adam J. Engroff III, Thesis, Master of Science (M.S.), Sports and Athletics Administration


The Decrease in the Number of Female Coaches For Girls and Women's Athletic Teams At The High School and Collegiate Level, Debra A. Pope, Thesis, Master of Science (M.S.), Sports and Athletics Administration


Insight for Today and Tomorrow: The World of Special Education, Tara Niego-Saltzman, Thesis, Master of Education (M.Ed.)


A History of Athletics: Lynn University And It's Predecessors, Chris Emerson, Thesis, Master of Science (M.S.), Sports and Athletics Administration


Outcome of the Intervention by the Department of Children & Families to Reunite a Single Substance Abusing Mother With Her Children, Maya De Gaspe, Thesis, Master of Science (M.S.)


Cultural Diversity Training in Law Enforcement: What is the Value of This Training, Kathy V. McLaughlin, Thesis, Master of Science (M.S.)

Submissions from 1999


Adolescents, Athletes & Role Models, Mark A. McNerney, Thesis, Master of Science (M.S.), Sports and Athletics Administration


Factors Affecting the Decision to Advance: A Study of Women in Law Enforcement, Kathleen Mitchell-White, Thesis, Master of Science (M.S.), Criminal Justice Administration


Video Games and Teen Violence: Is It Related?, Lynn Marlene Tomaro, Thesis, Master of Science (M.S.), Criminal Justice Administration


A Feasibility-Desirability Study to Develop and Finance a Sports Complex, Broward County, Florida, Seth Shurtleff, Thesis, Master of Science (M.S.), Sports and Athletics Administration


The Study of Third Party Reimbursement and its Effect on the Responsibilities and Salaries of Certified Athletic Training in the Clinical Setting, Les Fuller, Thesis, Master of Business Administration (M.B.A.), Sports Administration


The Efficacy of a Developmental Follow-up Program for High-Risk Infants, Laurie M. De Jong, Thesis, Master of Science (M.S.), Health Care Administration

Submissions from 1998


Overview of Brain Research and Its Effect on Sub-Categories of Special Education, Jamie Canterbury, Thesis, Master of Education (M.Ed.)


Risk Management in Youth Athletics, Scot P. Hartwell, Thesis, Master of Professional Studies (M.P.S.), Sports Administration


The Effects Sports Agents Have On Professional Sports, Ramona Franklin, Thesis, Master of Science (M.S.), Sports Administration


Discovering the Recreational Interests of South Florida's Youth for use in the Expansion of 4-H Programs in Broward County, Florida, Thomas W. Kehlhofer, Thesis, Master of Professional Studies (M.P.S.), Sports Administration

Submissions from 1997


Do Women have the Same Opportunity as Men to Coach Teams of the Opposite Sex at the NCAA Division II Level?, Jeff Studdard, Thesis, Master of Professional Studies (M.P.S.), Sports and Athletics Administration


How Parental Involvement Increases the Academic Performance of Special Education Students, Esperance St. Louis, Thesis, Master of Education (M.Ed.)


Implications of Intensive Behavior Treatment Programs on Long-Term Educational Gains for Autistic Students, Barbara A. McDermott, Thesis, Master of Education (M.Ed.)


Japanese Manufacturing Monopolies - What U.S. Enterprises Must Do To Maintain Global Competitiveness, Gary Grayson, Thesis, Master of Professional Studies (M.P.S.)

Submissions from 1996


How A Service Company Expanded From A Regional Into An International Operation?, Hannah Alper, Thesis, Master of Professional Studies (M.P.S.), International Management


The Path To Globalizing Procurement Operations: Organizational, Cultural & Strategic Change For World Class Effectiveness Case Study: Sensormatic Electronics Corporation, Boca Raton, Florida, Charles S. Maltrotti, Thesis, Master of Professional Studies (M.P.S.), International Management


The Impact on the U.S. Of The General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade, Sean-Stephan Pfaff, Thesis, Master of Professional Studies (M.P.S.), International Management


Crimes in the Internet and how they Influence the Law, Rimal Kawtar Slaoui-Hamda, Thesis, Master of Professional Studies (M.P.S.)


China and the Intellectual Property Dispute, Justin Carville, Thesis, Master of Professional Studies (M.P.S.)


The Effects of Developing a Master Planned Community in Buenos Aires, Argentina, Daniel S. Martinez, Thesis, Master of Professional Studies (M.P.S.), International Business Management


Parental Attitudes and Their Effect on the Internal Locus of Control in Gifted Students, Joan G. Levit, Thesis, Master of Education (M.Ed.)


Free Agency, Jared Bucker, Thesis, Master of Professional Studies (M.P.S.), Sports and Athletics Administration


Thailand's Investment and Economy, Vichai Hanvivatpong, Thesis, Master of Professional Studies (M.P.S.)


Why Invest in the Venezuelan Petroleum and Petrochemical Industries in 1996?, Emilio Jose Abouhamad, Thesis, Master of Professional Studies (M.P.S.), International Management


A Comparison And Contrast Of Two Middle School Classrooms With One Using Conflict Resolution And One Not Using Conflict Resolution, Kelli Ann Eich, Thesis, Master of Education (M.Ed.)


Modification of the New York State Prelicensing Course Curriculum Through Motivation and Teaching Strategies to Help the Learning Disabled Student be Successful in Drivers Training, Kristin D. Exsteen, Thesis, Master of Education (M.Ed.)


Implementing Dansereau's MURDER Technique to Teach Learning Disabled Students, Susan Fuller Pope, Thesis, Master of Education (M.Ed.)


Is the Caribbean Losing its Advantage as the Leader in Drawing International Tourists to the Western Hemisphere?, Ronald G. Schwartz, Thesis, Master of Professional Studies (M.P.S.), International Business Management


Jungle Travel, Jorge Ameglio, Thesis, Master of Professional Studies (M.P.S.), International Management


Is Peru a Great Place for A&W?, Miguel Atala, Thesis, Master of Professional Studies (M.P.S.), International Management


Cruise Lines or the Islands: Who is Getting the Top Dollars Out of World Travelers in the Caribbean?, Daniel Jerusalmi, Thesis, Master of Professional Studies (M.P.S.)


Will There be a Free Trade Area of the Americas (FTAA) by the Year 2005?, Tara McCaffrey, Thesis, Master of Professional Studies (M.P.S.)


How Does One Start A Business In Jamaica?, Mary-Ann Natale, Thesis, Master of Professional Studies (M.P.S.)