Graduate Student Dissertations, Theses, Capstones, and Portfolios


Graduate-Level Student Dissertations, Theses, Capstones, and Portfolios is a collection produced by Lynn University students during their masters or doctoral degree programs.

All Lynn University masters and doctoral students are required to submit their approved dissertations, theses, capstones, and portfolios to the Lynn Library for inclusion in SPIRAL via email to Lea Iadarola. PDF format is preferred, but SPIRAL can accommodate a variety of file formats.

This collection also contains digitized versions of the printed volumes of Lynn student theses and dissertations, which were digitized in the Summer of 2017. Any personal and/or sensitive information such as resumes, contact information, and addresses has been redacted. The University Archives has retained a copy of the original, unedited scans.


Submissions from 2019


Self-Contained Special Education Teachers' and Administrators' Perceptions of Teacher Evaluation Systems, Kareem Thompson, Dissertation, Doctor of Education (Ed.D.), Educational Leadership

Submissions from 2018


Kyle Eaton's Graduate Portfolio, Kyle Eaton, Portfolio, Digital Media Certificate


Sarah Alharbi's Digital Media Portfolio, Sarah Alharbi, Portfolio, Master of Science (M.S.), Communication & Media - Digital Media


Dominique Marghella's Digital Media Portfolio, Dominique Marghella, Portfolio, Master of Science (M.S.), Communication & Media - Digital Media


Formerly Known as Nasty: From Womanhood to Enlightenment, Michelle Riofrio Bravo, Portfolio, Master of Science (M.S.), Communication & Media - Digital Media


Razan Rubui's Digital Media Portfolio, Razan Rubui, Portfolio, Master of Science (M.S.), Communication & Media - Digital Media


Fahad Alameer's Digital Media Portfolio, Fahad Alameer, Portfolio, Master of Science (M.S.), Communication & Media - Digital Media


Mohammed Hamad's Digital Media Portfolio, Mohammed Hamad, Portfolio, Master of Science (M.S.), Communication & Media - Digital Media


Catalina Villamarin's Digital Media Portfolio, Catalina Villamarin, Portfolio, Master of Science (M.S.), Communication & Media - Digital Media


An Examination of Pedagogy in Middle School Science and Its Effect on Student Achievement, Brittany E. Kiser, Dissertation, Doctor of Education (Ed.D.), Educational Leadership


A Qualitative Study on Prekindergarten through Second Grade Teachers’ Perceptions of the Effectiveness of Creative Movement on Phonics Acquisition, Enjoli R. Paul, Dissertation, Doctor of Education (Ed.D.), Educational Leadership - with a Specialization in K-12 Leadership


An Investigation of the Perceptions of High School Professional School Counselors: Qualitative Insights, Ashley Rizzi and Samantha Vanderpool, Dissertation, Doctor of Education (Ed.D.), Education Leadership


An Investigation Measuring the Impact of Financial Literacy Programs on University Student Debt, Morgan O'Sullivan, Dissertation, Doctor of Education (Ed.D.), Educational Leadership


How Do Leadership Standards Affect Motivation, Susan B. Saint John, Dissertation, Doctor of Education (Ed.D.), Educational Leadership


Reading Comprehension in Two Accommodated Reading Tasks with College Students with Reading Disabilities, Catherine Wharton, Dissertation, Doctor of Education (Ed.D.), Educational Leadership

Submissions from 2017


Factors Affecting Teacher Turnover at Low-Performing Broward Charter Schools in High-Poverty Areas, Adriana Guerra, Dissertation, Doctor of Education (Ed.D.), Educational Leadership / School Administration


An Exploration of Practical Means by Which Post-Secondary Achievement Can Be Elevated for Low-Socioeconomic Black Males, Dwayne J. L. Crutchley, Dissertation, Doctor of Education (Ed.D.), Educational Leadership / School Administration


Translation of Viral News Topics into Digital Marketing, Eba Diab, Thesis, Master of Science (M.S.), Communication and Media - with a specialization in Media Studies and Practice


Teacher Perceptions on the Utilization of School-Based Mentoring as a Targeted Intervention for Secondary Students Identified as At-Risk, Allison Bradley and Wilnic Gideon, Dissertation, Doctor of Education (Ed.D.), Educational Leadership


Creating a Model and Professional Learning to Support the Design of Authentic Student Learning Tasks, Leah McConaughey and Paul Facteau, Dissertation, Doctor of Education (Ed.D.), Educational Leadership


Summer Reading Loss, Debbie Battles, Kathryn Morem, Laura Riopelle, and Catherine Tedesco, Dissertation, Doctor of Education (Ed.D.), Educational Leadership


Generating Evidence: The Evaluation of the Teacher Continuous Professional Development Framework, in Case of Ethiopia, Blene Aklilu Betemariam, Dissertation, Doctor of Education (Ed.D.), Educational Leadership


The Educational Encounter-Storytelling of Successful African American and Latino Immigrant Male High School Graduates, Melvin Bustamante, Moody S. Fuller, and Thomas Welter, Dissertation, Doctor of Education (Ed.D.), Educational Leadership


Implementing a Ninth Grade Academy: A Dissertation in Practice, Colleen Gleason, Daniel Keller, Amanda Orndorff, Becky Youngman, and David Youngman, Dissertation, Doctor of Education (Ed.D.), Educational Leadership

Submissions from 2015


Transformational Leadership and its Attributes: Factors That Could Increase Security at the Miami International Airport, Norbert Oliver Pinto, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Global Leadership - with a specialization in Corporate and Organizational Management


Student Teacher Perceptions Regarding Career Readiness and the Effectiveness of a Teacher Preparation Program, Josue Dantas, Dissertation, Doctor of Education (Ed.D.), Educational Leadership


Muslim Women: A Phenomenological Study of the Effects of Identity on Pursuing Higher Education, Rafael E. Harley, Dissertation, Doctor of Education (Ed.D.), Educational Leadership


Professional Baseball Players Transition from the Sport, Amy Moviel, Dissertation, Doctor of Education (Ed.D.), Educational Leadership


Impact Glass: How Do Grit and Growth Mindset Impact Career Advancement for Female Heads of Independent Schools?, Donna Norkeliunas, Dissertation, Doctor of Education (Ed.D.), Educational Leadership


Parental Involvement in Higher Education: Understanding the Concerns and Expectations of the Parents of College Students, Wilson Onu, Dissertation, Doctor of Education (Ed.D.), Educational Leadership


Workers Can't Find Jobs, Jobs Can't Find Workers: Solving the Talent Paradox, Harika Rao, Dissertation, Doctor of Education (Ed.D.), Educational Leadership


A Phenomenological Study on Principal Leadership in Islamic K-12 Schools, Allen Farina, Dissertation, Doctor of Education (Ed.D.), Educational Leadership


A Cross-Cultural Study on Consumers' Sentiments of the Marketing Mix Variables and Consumers' Perceptions Toward Marketing Ethics, Ghensy Antoine, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)


Evaluating Faculty and Student Perceptions of Blended Education to Determine and Measure Student Satisfaction in a Blended Learning Program with At-Risk High School Students, Daquia J. McCoy, Dissertation, Doctor of Education (Ed.D.), Educational Leadership


Effective Secondary Character Education: Impact on Secondary Students' Social Skills and Reinforcing Character Strengths, N’Quavah R. Velazquez, Dissertation, Doctor of Education (Ed.D.), Educational Leadership

Submissions from 2014


Strategic CSR and Value Creation within Small and Medium U.S. Enterprises, Christopher Allen Noe, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)


Simulations in Inquiry-Based Learning, Timothy E. Hall, Dissertation, Doctor of Education (Ed.D.), Educational Leadership


The Impact of the National EMS Curriculum in Florida's EMT-B Educational Programs, Ilia Y. Matos, Dissertation, Doctor of Education (Ed.D.), Educational Leadership


21st Century Workforce Readiness Skills: How Are Students Being Prepared, Peter B. Licata, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Global Leadership - with a specialization in Educational Leadership


The Nature and the Degree of the Relationship between Chronic Absenteeism and Student Achievement in a Large Metropolitan School District and a Small School District in Florida, Nancy C. Kline, Dissertation, Doctor of Education (Ed.D.), Educational Leadership


Assessing High School Biology Academic Achievement by Comparing Traditional Versus Virtual Dissection of Rat Specimens, Arthur L. Jamison Jr, Dissertation, Doctor of Education (Ed.D.), Educational Leadership


Challenges on the Road to School Success for Low Socio-Economic and Minority Students School Dropout and Parent Involvement, Rose A. Hall, Dissertation, Doctor of Education (Ed.D.), Educational Leadership


An Evaluation of Physical Activity on the Reading Achievement of Middle School Students, Christina N. Phillips, Dissertation, Doctor of Education (Ed.D.), Educational Leadership

Submissions from 2013


IGeneration: A Study in Challenge Based Learning at a Small Private University, Jodi A. Hift, Dissertation, Doctor of Education (Ed.D.), Educational Leadership


A Case Study of Gender Neutral Policies in University Housing, Josh Chave, Dissertation, Doctor of Education (Ed.D.), Educational Leadership


Price and Store Image as Mitigating Factors in the Perception and Evaluation of Retailers' Customer-Based Brand Equity, Hagai Gringarten, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Global Leadership


The Effects of the Economy, Perception of Business Law, External Anchors, and Ethical Behavior on Corporate Social Responsibility in Developing Countries, Ihab Nasser, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Global Leadership - with a specialization in Corporate and Organizational Management


A Study of the Leadership Styles of Campus Based Women's Centers in Higher Education in the Southeast United States, Nikkia DeLuz, Dissertation, Doctor of Education (Ed.D.), Educational Leadership


Managerial Competencies and Exemplary Leadership in the Lodging Industry: An Empirical Study, Fadila Maraouch, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Global Leadership - with a specialization in Corporate and Organizational Management


Evaluation of the impact of a mentor-based program on teacher retention in a large urban school district, Denise S. Beattie, Dissertation, Doctor of Education (Ed.D.), Educational Leadership


Digital Divide: The Roles of Access and Self-Efficacy on College Readiness, Kristen Rojas, Dissertation, Doctor of Education (Ed.D.), Educational Leadership


The Internationalization of Higher Education in Southeast Asia: Three Case Studies from Singapore, Thailand, and Vietnam, Vannapond Suttichujit, Dissertation, Doctor of Education (Ed.D.), Educational Leadership

Submissions from 2012


Health Beliefs, Lifestyle Behaviors, and Body Mass Index in College Students, Trisha Williams, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Global Leadership - with a specialization in Corporate and Organizational Management


Motivation and Leadership of Financial Advisor Associates in the Financial Services Industry, James A. McKenzie, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Global Leadership - with a specialization in Corporate and Organizational Management


Read, Retrieve, Connect and Use: An Intervention Strategy for Science and Scientific Literacy, Kerryane T. Monahan, Dissertation, Doctor of Education (Ed.D.), Educational Leadership


Reading Reform and the Role of Policy, Practice and Instructional Leadership on Reading Achievement: A Case Study of Grissom Elementary School, Faith Andrea Morrison, Dissertation, Doctor of Education (Ed.D.), Educational Leadership


Appointed and Elected Superintendents in Florida's Governance, Candace L. Habersham, Dissertation, Doctor of Education (Ed.D.), Educational Leadership


An Exploratory Study Analyzing the Impact of Coercion on the Outcomes of Substance Abuse Program Participants, Robyn L. Klein, Dissertation, Doctor of Education (Ed.D.), Educational Leadership


SS St. Louis Legacy Project: Developing a Culturally Pluralistic Comprehensive Web-Based Curriculum for High School Students, Deidre Ann Reid-Thomas, Dissertation, Doctor of Education (Ed.D.), Educational Leadership


Effect of E-Service Quality on Customer Online Repurchase Intentions, Tung-Hsuan Liu, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Global Leadership - with a specialization in Corporate and Organizational Management


Relationship Among Demographic, Academic and Curriculum Characteristics, Emphasizing Arts Education and Critical Thinking Performance in 12th Grade High School Students, Leslie Rowntree Black, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Global Leadership - with a specialization in Educational Leadership


A Case Study of the Effects on Academic Achievement of an After School Program in Paterson, New Jersey, Sebastian S. Calabria, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Global Leadership - with a specialization in Educational Leadership


An Exploratory Study Examining the Impact of Facilitator Characteristics on Substance Abuse Program Participant Outcomes, Saara S. Saarela-Vening, Dissertation, Doctor of Education (Ed.D.), Educational Leadership


Investigating Teacher Perceptions on School Gardening Programs, Jennifer Emily Tinker, Dissertation, Doctor of Education (Ed.D.), Educational Leadership

Submissions from 2011


Cognitive Styles and Self-Efficacy of Teacher of English Language Learner Students, Jani Rodriguez, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Global Leadership - with a specialization in Educational Leadership


The Gavrilovic Meat Company: Surviving and Thriving Through Years of Chaos in Croatia, Andrew Anthony Vuksic, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Global Leadership - with a specialization in Educational Leadership


Factors Influencing Consumer Bidding Behavior in Online Auction (Consumer-to-Consumer), Lola A. Nemes, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Global Leadership - with a specialization in Corporate and Organizational Management


Transformational Leadership, Job Satisfaction, Organizational Commitment, and Non-Supervisory Nurses' Intention to Leave, Audrey E. Gregory, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Global Leadership - with a specialization in Corporate and Organizational Management


Roles and Characteristics of the Project Manager in Achieving Success across the Project Life Cycle, Valecia Dyett, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Global Leadership - with a specialization in Corporate and Organizational Management


Impact of Marketing Strategy, Customer Perceived Value, Customer Satisfaction, Trust, and Commitment on Customer Loyalty, Mei-Lien Li, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Global Leadership - with a specialization in Corporate and Organizational Management


Wasta and Non-Arab Training, Characteristics, Task, and Culture in Arab Markets, Rami H. Aljbour, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Global Leadership - with a specialization in Corporate and Organizational Management


The Relationship between Foreign Direct Investment and Exports from the Technology Sector in Costa Rica, Rodolfo Santamaria, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)


The Modern American Entrepreneur: Characteristics, Formative Legislation, and Modern Education, Jeremy S. Office, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Global Leadership - with a specialization in Corporate and Organizational Management

Submissions from 2010


Beginning Teachers' Job Satisfaction and Intention to Remain in Teaching: A Comparison of Traditionally Prepared Teachers and Teachers Prepared by Alternative Methods, Jerome Romell Boyd, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Global Leadership - with a specialization in Corporate and Organizational Management


Factors Associated with Church Membership Retention, Laura P. Davis-Jones, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Global Leadership - with a specialization in Corporate and Organizational Management


Comparative Analysis between Routine Preventative Uniformed Police Patrols and Crime Reduction and Calls for Service, Oscar F. Vigoa, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Global Leadership - with a specialization in Corporate and Organizational Management


Job Stress, Burnout, Job Satisfaction, and Intention to Leave Among Registered Nurses Employed in Hospital Settings in the State of Florida, Kenneth W. Hazell, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Global Leadership - with a specialization in Corporate and Organizational Management


A Research Study of Role Conflict, Role Ambiguity, Job Satisfaction, and Burnout among Financial Advisors, Courtney Fichter, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Global Leadership - with a specialization in Corporate and Organizational Management


The Impact of Politics on Education in Haiti: 1988-2008, Gertrude Joseph, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Global Leadership - with a specialization in Educational Leadership


Workplace Aggression Behaviors, Organizational Justice, and Intention to Leave Among U.S. Telecommunications Workers, Thomas A. Wilson, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Global Leadership - with a specialization in Corporate and Organizational Management


Relationships Among Supply Chain Management, Strategic Alliances, and Organizational Performance with Implications for the Construction Industry, Hai-Ping Chang, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Global Leadership - with a specialization in Corporate and Organizational Management


A Critical Analysis of the Theoretical and Empirical Literature Comparing the Effects of Traditional Versus Community Policing on Quality of Life and Associated Quality of Life Issues, Rodney Polite, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Global Leadership - with a specialization in Educational Leadership

Submissions from 2009


Exploring the Influence of Multigenerational Transmission Process among Nonresidential African American Fathers, A'ndrea J. Wilson, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Global Leadership - with a specialization in Educational Leadership


Motivations of Adults Enrolling in an Evening Graduate Degree Program, Bradford R. Frazier, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Global Leadership - with a specialization in Corporate and Organzational Management


Self-Efficacy and Instruction in Mathematics, Juana Patricia Ordonez-Feliciano, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Global Leadership - with a specialization in Educational Leadership


The Relationship Between Teacher Efficacy and Multiple Learning Competencies with Arts and Non-Arts Educators, Lavinia Hallowell Draper, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Global Leadership - with a specialization in Educational Leadership


Characteristic Leadership Traits Most Admired by Supervisors in an Organizational Culture, Juan Odio, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Global Leadership - with a specialization in Educational Leadership


A Critical Analysis of Racial Profiling, John E. McLaughlin, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Global Leadership - with a specialization in Educational Leadership


Teachers' Reaction to Gangs and School Violence and the Mediating Effects of Security Measures on Intentions to Leave Teaching, Suzanne King, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Global Leadership - with a specialization in Educational Leadership


Data Mining to Identify Quality of Care Factors Associated with Liability Claims and Risk Management Strategies in Florida Nursing Homes, Ernande Fortune, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Global Leadership - with a specialization in Corporate and Organizational Management


Factors Influencing Career Success of Minority Healthcare Industry Executives, Celesia D. Valentine, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Global Leadership - with a specialization in Business


The Relationship Between Psychological Capital and Social Venture Program Initiation, Paul L. van Putten II, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Global Leadership - with a specialization in Corporate adn Organizational Management


Academic and Non-Academic Factors Associated with Retention of Undergraduate College Students, Connie Myers Kracher, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Global Leadership - with a specialization in Educational Leadership


Online Learning Success: Underlying Constructs Affecting Student Attrition, Sandra Porta-Merida, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Global Leadership - with a specialization in Educational Leadership


Culture as a Mitigating Factor in the Perception of Path-Goal Leadership Styles and Workgroup Effectiveness, Alison Rampersad, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Global Leadership - with a specialization in Corporate and Organizational Management


Perceived Justice and Barriers and Facilitators to the Attainment of Leadership Positions in Local and County Law Enforcement Organizations in the State of Florida, Delsa R. Bush, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Global Leadership - with a specialization in Educational Leadership


Factors Influencing Police Officer Marksmanship During Qualifying Drills, Kelly Kennedy, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Global Leadership - with a specialization in Education


Student Characteristics, On-line Course Characteristics, Cross-Cultural Adaptability, Classroom Community, and On-line Course Performance, Cheryl McDowell, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Global Leadership - with a specialization in Corporate and Organizational Management


Teacher, School, and Student Characteristics, Theoretical Orientations Toward Reading, Attitudes Toward High Stakes Testing, and Reading Performance in Grades K-6, Dianne Memmer-Novak, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Global Leadership - with a specialization in Educational Leadership


Factors Influencing the Unethical Behavioral Intention of College Business Students: Theory of Planned Behavior, Cathileen E. Montesarchio, Dissertation, Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.), Global Leadership - with a specialization in Corporate and Organizational Leadership