
Submissions from 2019


Gender Differences in AGU Journals, poster, Karen Gonzalez and Alanna L. Lecher

Creating a Program Assessment Plan, Conference Session, Paul R. Gormley.


Police Discretion: Encounters with Mental Health Issues, Chapter, Paul R. Gormley.

What Students Learn: Using Mock Trials to Teach Criminal Justice, Conference Session, Paul R. Gormley, Mecheline Farhat, Stephen Greer, and Lynnell Talbert.

Introduction to Benjamin Franklin, Chapter, Kathryn E. Hamm.

Introduction to Exodus, Chapter, Kathryn E. Hamm.

Introduction to Genesis, Chapter, Kathryn E. Hamm (Cook).

Introduction to Mere Christianity, Chapter, Kathryn E. Hamm.

Select Hymns, Chapter, Kathryn E. Hamm.

To [B] or Not to [B]: A Derridean Analysis of Ironic Emoji Signifiers in Memetic Messages, Paper Presentation, Richard F. Hamm III (Eric), William Conway, and Brendan Donahue.

The Impact of Ocean Plastic Concentrations on Small Plastic Abundance at Florida Beaches, poster, Elizabeth Harris, Shelby McKeever, Erika L. Doctor, and Alanna L. Lecher

Factors Influencing Concentrations of Micro-Plastics on Florida Beaches, poster, Elizabeth Harris, Shelby McKeever, and Alanna L. Lecher


How Humans Have Affected the Charcoal Content of Sediment in a Barrier Island Environment in Boca Raton, FL, poster, Sarah Hughes, Cheree' Faulk, April Watson, and Alanna L. Lecher

Exploring Online Communication Patterns: Examining the Relationship Between Empathy, Self-Compassion, Dehumanization, Aggression in Social Media Activity, poster, Ashley Kaufman and Angie O'Gieblyn


Philosophy Against Abstraction: Whitehead and Deleuze, Chapter, Kristopher Klotz.

Abroad and at Home: Utilizing the Cohort Model to Help Students Succeed in Novel Research Experiences, Conference Session, Alanna L. Lecher.


Concentrations of Small Plastic Pieces on Florida Beaches: East and West Coast Comparisons, Poster Presentation, Alanna L. Lecher, Elizabeth Harris, and Erika L. Doctor.


Building Skills for and Implementing Course Based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs) Across an Environmental Studies Curriculum, Poster Presentation, Alanna L. Lecher and Cassandra S. Korte.


Building Skills for and Implementing Course Based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs) Across an Environmental Studies Curriculum, Poster Presentation, Alanna L. Lecher and Cassandra S. Korte.


Building Skills for and Implementing Course Based Undergraduate Research Experiences (CUREs) Across an Environmental Studies Curriculum, Poster Presentation, Alanna L. Lecher and Cassandra S. Korte.


Identifying Impacts of Sea Level Rise on Coastal Archaeological Sites, A Project of the Southeast Florida Regional Climate Compact, Poster Presentation, Alanna L. Lecher and April Watson.


Personality Characteristics and Study Choices, Poster Presentation, Melissa Lehman and Maxwell Casper.

Personal Care Products: Where are the Phthalates?, poster, Tara Lunsford, Joshua Noreiga, Cassandra S. Korte, and Erika L. Doctor


Seminar in Gender & Literature, iBook (OER), Lynn University Digital Press and Maureen Goldstein.

Nicotine and Sildenafil as a Model for Pesticide Resistance in Agriculture, poster, Raymond MacKoul, David Baldwin, Ken Dawson-Scully, and Kimberly D. Rowland

Nicotine and Sildenafil as a Model for Pesticide Resistance in Agriculture, poster, Raymond MacKoul and Kimberly D. Rowland


Examining the Effects of Screen Size on Archaeological Data Collection, poster, John McDowell, Jack Meyers, Alanna L. Lecher, and April Watson


Examining the Effects of Screen Size on Archaeological Data Collection, poster, John McDowell, Jack Meyers, Alanna L. Lecher, and April Watson


A Meme is Worth a Thousand Words: Universal Communication Through Memes, Paper Presentation, Marisa McGrady and Kathryn E. Hamm (Cook).

Comparison of Proctored On-ground Exams vs. Non-proctored Online Exams in Undergraduate Finance Courses, oralpresentation, Claudia Milhano


Are Promotional Packages Sent to Influencers Contributing to Increasing Levels of Packaging Waste?, poster, Lindsay Miller and Alanna L. Lecher


Dead Animals Keep Turning Up Lately in My Yard, Poem, Jeff Morgan.


Exploring How Temperatures Impact Crime Rates in Virginia, poster, Anne Myers and Alanna L. Lecher

Predicting Guilt Ratings from Juror and Trial Characteristics, poster, Joshua Noreiga and Rachel Pauletti


Counseling for the Real World: Case Studies Across the Curriculum, Angie O’Gieblyn


Engaging Master’s Level Students in Research at Primarily Teaching-Focused Institutions, Conference Session, Angie O'Gieblyn, Asha Mohammed Kadir, and Philip Treiber.


The Effects of Task Difficulty and Conversational Cueing on Answer Formatting Problems in Surveys, Chapter, Yfke Ongena (0000-0001-6678-7860) and Sanne Unger.


The Past, Present, and Future of the Journal of Individual Psychology: A Three-Way Conversation, Article, Mindy Parsons, Len Sperry, and Jon Sperry.


Academic Engagement Moderates the Influence of Narcissism on Student Grades and Retention, Poster Presentation, Rachel E. Pauletti, Patrick J. Cooper, and A Bell Cooper.


Psychological Androgyny and Children's Mental Health: A New Look With New Measures, Paper Presentation, Rachel E. Pauletti, Meenakshi Menon (0000-0002-6532-9769), Patrick J. Cooper, Christopher D. Aults, and David G. Perry.

Words That Changed History, Dino J. Pedrone and Jonathan Pedrone

Gender Identity in Childhood: A Review of the Literature, Article, David G. Perry, Rachel E. Pauletti, and Patrick J. Cooper.

Individual Differences in Color Perception, poster, Kristina Petkovic and Melissa Lehman

Color Testing for Steroids, poster, Alex Resto, Faith Moore, Juan Zhuang, and Erika L. Doctor

Self-Esteem and Risky Behaviors in College Students, poster, Victoria Riancho, Patrick J. Cooper, and Robert G. Riedel II


Objective List Theories and Ill-Being, Article, Christopher M. Rice.

Sorting Out Mood, Stress and Social Interest One Rhythm at a Time, oralpresentation, Abbigail Rinard, Patrick J. Cooper, and Jon Sperry

Immediate Effects on Therapeutic Group Drumming on Affective States in Inpatient Substance Abusers, poster, Abbigail Rinard, Mathew D'Urso, Adrienne Apple, Patrick J. Cooper, and Jon Sperry

Does Drumming Affect Mood, Stress, and Social Interest Among College Students?, Poster Presentation, Abbigail Rinard, Jon Sperry, and Patrick J. Cooper.


Assessing the Financial Practicality of LEED, poster, Paul Ristuccia and Alanna L. Lecher


Identifying Phytochemicals from Biomedical Literature Utilizing Semantic Knowledge Sources, Article, Indra Neil Sarkar (0000-0003-2054-7356), Wayne Law, and Michael J. Balick.

Rhythm and Social Interest, Presentation, Jon Sperry.

Motivational Interviewing in Individual Psychology, Workshop, Jon Sperry and Gerardo Casteleiro.

Group Drumming and Social Interest, Conference Session, Jon Sperry, Abbigail Rinard, Andrew Baker, and Matthew D’Urso.


Alfred Adler's Influence in the United States and Great Britain, Article, Jon Sperry and Len Sperry.

Case Conceptualization in Eight Steps, Conference Session, Jon Sperry and Len Sperry.


Early Recollections, Research, and Clinical Application, Article, Jon Sperry and Len Sperry.


Individual Psychology: Contributions and Applications, Article, Jon Sperry and Len Sperry.


Individual Psychology Research, Pedagogy, and Clinical Practice, Article, Jon Sperry and Len Sperry.

Lifestyle Assessment and Case Conceptualization, Conference Session, Jon Sperry and Len Sperry.

Evidence-Based Adlerian Therapy: The Future is Now, Conference Session, Len Sperry and Jon Sperry.

Arithmetic and Geometric Relations in Plato’s Metaphysics, Paper Presentation, Sophia A. Stone.

The Problem of Incommensurability in the Meno and the Parmenides, Conference Session, Sophia A. Stone.

Analysis of Potential Recreational Water Contamination with Fecal Indicator Bacteria at Lynn University, poster, Esther Ushuhuda, Eric Merkel, Cassandra S. Korte, and Alanna L. Lecher

Analysis of Potential Recreational Water Contamination with Fecal Indicator Bacteria, poster, Esther Ushuhuda, Eric Merkel, Chloe Talbert, Anden Velez, Alanna L. Lecher, and Cassandra S. Korte

Comparison of Planarian Regeneration Rates Between Heads and Tails, poster, Anden Velez, Eric Merkel, and Cassandra S. Korte

Under Our Feet, Under Water: A Case Study from Boca Raton, Florida, Paper Presentation, April Watson, Alanna L. Lecher, and Micheline Hilpert.


What’s Up, (re)Dox? Hydrologic Modeling of Arsenic Contamination in Boca Raton, Florida, Poster Presentation, D.S. Monty Watson and April Watson.


Drain the Oceans [Television Series], TV Series, Robert P. Watson.


Secret Nazi Ruins [Television Series], TV Series, Robert P. Watson.

The Sinking of the SS Cap Arcona and the Last Holocaust Victims of World War II, Presentation, Robert P. Watson.

Submissions from 2018


Evaluation of the Types of Farms and Their Effects on the Development of Asthma and Allergies, Poster Presentation, Meram Alamoudi, Shandra Bellinger, Armando Marull, and Melany Santana.


Evaluation of the Types of Farms and Their Effects on the Development of Asthma and Allergies, Poster Presentation, Meram Alamoudi, Shandra Bellinger, Armando Marull, and Melany Santana.


Breathing Fire: Exploring the Relationship Between Asthma and Forest Fire in California, Poster Presentation, Josh Baguley, Hayat Srour, Ruslan Fomenko, and Felix Rivera-Mariani.


Breathing Fire: Exploring the Relationship Between Asthma and Forest Fire in California, Poster Presentation, Josh Baguley, Hayat Srour, Ruslan Fomenko, and Felix Rivera-Mariani.

Abundance of Microplastics in Commercial Sea Salts, Poster Presentation, Khyla Bodie, Cassandra S. Korte, and Alanna L. Lecher.

Abundance of Microplastics in Commercial Sea Salts, Poster Presentation, Khyla Bodie, Cassandra S. Korte, and Alanna L. Lecher.

The Self in Science Fiction Films, Conference Session, Bonnie Bonincontri.


Grand Narratives, Metamodernism, and Global Ethics, Article, Andrew J. Corsa.


Moral Psychology of the Fading Affect Bias, Article, Andrew J. Corsa and W. Richard Walker.

How Do I Navigate Dating and Romantic Relationships?, Presentation, Ali Cunningham Abbott.


It's Not You, It's Me: Navigating the World of Dating & Romantic Relationships, Presentation, Ali Cunningham Abbott.


10 Evidence-Based Tips for Counseling Adults with Autism, Presentation, Ali Cunningham Abbott and Alison Bourdeau.

The Effectiveness of Family Behavior Therapy for Adolescent Behavioral and Substance Misuse Complications: A Meta-Analysis, Poster Presentation, Torica L. Exume and Robyn L. Lyn.

Hashtag Blessed: The Social Media Humblebrag as Religious Signaling and Nietzschean Transvaluation, Paper Presentation, Kathryn E. Hamm (Cook) and Richard F. Hamm III (Eric).


Allergens, Race, Ethnicity, And Sex: Factors Associated With Asthma, Poster Presentation, Angel Jordan, Charles Stamitoles, Musheer Abdalhuk, Roghan Wagimin, and Felix Rivera-Mariani.


Allergens, Race, Ethnicity, And Sex: Factors Associated With Asthma, Poster Presentation, Angel Jordan, Charles Stamitoles, Musheer Abdalhuk, Roghan Wagimin, and Felix Rivera-Mariani.

Engaging Students In The Classroom By Using An Interactive Multi-Touch Book, Paper Presentation, Sindee Kerker.


Personality Development Through Natural Language, Article, Kevin Lanning, Rachel E. Pauletti, Laura A. King, and Dan P. McAdams.


A Cohort-Based Program to Help Students Prepare a Conference Research Presentation, Poster Presentation, Alanna L. Lecher.


A Method for Integrating Science Podcasts in the Undergraduate Classroom, Poster Presentation, Alanna L. Lecher.


Environmental Statistics, iBook (Restricted), Alanna L. Lecher.


Helping Geoscience Students Thrive in Graduate School, Article, Alanna L. Lecher.


Piecing Together the Plastic Cycle, Article, Alanna L. Lecher.

Scaffolding with Professional Podcasting, Conference Session, Alanna L. Lecher.


Synthesizing the Effects of Submarine Groundwater Discharge on Marine Biota, Article, Alanna L. Lecher and Katherine R.M. Mackey.


Sources of Small Plastics Delineated on Florida Beaches, Poster Presentation, Alanna L. Lecher, Gaylen Martin, and Elizabeth Harris.


Quantifying Processes Governing Nutrient Concentrations in a Coastal Aquifer via Principal Component Analysis, Article, Alanna L. Lecher, Joseph Murray, and Adina Paytan (0000-0001-8360-4712).

Act Like You Mean It, Workshop, Bruce Linser.


Personal Care Products: Where are the Phthalates?, Poster Presentation, Tara Lunsford, Erika L. Doctor, and Cassandra S. Korte.