"Global Learning: It's Not Just Education Abroad" by Antonella Regueiro and Anna Krift

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Conference Session

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Lynn University has broken free of traditional approaches to embedding global learning into its curriculum by going beyond standard education abroad programs. By embedding global learning into its core curriculum, offering experiential learning opportunities abroad, and participating in programs related to the SDGs, Lynn continues to work to ensure that students graduate with a well-rounded education, which includes a variety of global perspectives, experiences, and opportunities for growth. This session will cover the challenges and successes related to long-term efforts to embed global learning into academic curricula, as well as other aspects of students’ academic experience.


American Association of Colleges & Universities (AAC&U) Virtual Conference on Global Learning


College of Arts and Sciences


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1100_Global LearningIt'sNotJustEducationAbroad_RegueiroandKrift_PowerPoint.pptx (954 kB)
Global Learning: It's Not Just Education Abroad (PowerPoint)



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