Document Type
Conference Session
Publication Date
Covid-19 outbreak has created economic and health emergencies throughout the world. There is an urgent need to bring Covid-19 under control by employing the principles of behavioural science. The behaviours of hand washing, face touching, self-isolation and effective crisis communications are all important parameters of Covid-19 control equation. This paper will discuss the importance of each of the above mentioned parameters with main focus on effective communication.
Tischner European University
Language, Culture & Politics Association (LCP-A) International Annual Conference
Kraków, Poland
College of Arts and Sciences
Recommended Citation
Ahmed, K. (2020, June 5). Effective crisis communication is the key in fighting Coronavirus [Conference session]. Language, Culture & Politics Association (LCP-A) International Annual Conference, Tischner European University, Kraków, Poland.
Effective Crisis Communication is the Key in Fighting Coronavirus (PowerPoint)
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