"Integrating Scientific Inquiry and Project Based Learning Across a Uni" by Alanna L. Lecher, Cassandra S. Korte et al.

Integrating Scientific Inquiry and Project Based Learning Across a University Core Curriculum

Document Type

Conference Session

Publication Date



Lynn University pioneered a core curriculum based on 5 themes collectively called The Dialogues. One theme of The Dialogues is Scientific Literacy, which has been recently revised to focus on mastery of the scientific method, exploration of how science applies to society and within various majors, and data literacy and competency, including the ability to conduct authentic research. In the Dialogues of Scientific Literacy students take stand-alone classes at the freshmen and sophomore levels (DSL 100: Scientific Inquiry and DSL 200: Science and Society) that focus on experimental design through project-based learning and data literacy. Then the junior and senior years students continue to explore these concepts within their majors, with classes that embed Scientific Literacy concepts into them (classes that double count as major classes and DSL 300 or DSL 400). This results in students taking a Scientific Literacy themed-course every academic year that encourage higher-order thinking as students progress. This presentation will describe the curriculum structure, student learning outcomes, and how scientific inquiry and authentic research experiences are embedded throughout the curriculum.


Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University


Florida Undergraduate Research Association’s (FURA) 2020 Florida Statewide Symposium on Undergraduate Research


Daytona Beach, FL


College of Arts and Sciences

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