"How Do Leadership Standards Affect Motivation" by Susan B. Saint John

Graduate Student Dissertations, Theses, Capstones, and Portfolios

Date of Award


Document Type


Granting Institution

Lynn University

Degree Name

Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)

Degree Program

Educational Leadership


College of Education

First Advisor

Kathleen Weigel

Second Advisor

Richard Jones

Third Advisor

Jennifer J. Lesh


Annual evaluations of school principals are based on Leadership Standards identified by the United States Department of Education. School administrators across our nation are evaluated, annually, based on the standards their respective state assesses. The domains range from improving student achievement to instructional and organizational leadership and encompass several standards within each domain. The purpose of this study is to determine the impact of leadership standards on motivation. A mixed method research design was used to determine the impact the Florida Leadership Standards have on educator motivation.

The objectives of this study include:

  • The identification of individual areas of strength and those in need of improvement on the Florida Leadership Standards which impact educator motivation as evidenced by the annual school administrator’s evaluation
  • An analysis of demographic and annual evaluative data and their impact on educator motivation
  • The identification of strategies to strengthen the individual school administrator’s evaluation results

The population involved in the study was voluntary and based on:

  • Permission to conduct the study was obtained from Lynn University and a large, southeastern, urban, Florida public school district
  • Permission to conduct and participate in the study was requested from 187 school principals within the large, southeastern, urban, Florida public school district
  • Total anonymity was guaranteed to all school principals invited to participate in the study
  • Only consenting principals were given access to the survey

The study was based upon survey results obtained from the consenting school principals. The survey questions included demographic information, a set of Likert Scale questions and open-ended questions. The questions were directly linked to the Florida Leadership Standards.

The results of the surveys indicate leadership standards do affect job motivation and school principals are in need of suggested strategies and professional development to improve the leadership standards, which they are evaluated on each year.



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