Digital Media Arts College (DMAC) Theses and Portfolios | Dissertations, Theses, Capstones, and Portfolios Collections | Lynn University

This is an archival collection of Digital Media Arts College (DMAC) Theses and Portfolios produced by DMAC students during their bachelors or masters degree programs. All content pre-dates October 2017, when Lynn University officially assumed ownership of DMAC.

Please contact the Lynn University Archives to access these theses or portfolios.


Theses/Portfolios from 2009

Lupa Creative, Hilary Burton

Berrystitch, Laura Cerezo

Classy Pixel, Krystle Morosey

Pia Lara Solomon: Art Portfolio, Pia Lara Solomon

LFD Designs: Overdose on Creativity, Lesly Donis

Spectrum Effect: Designed by Samantha Tiberio, Samantha Tiberio

Royal Ace Designs: the Portfolio of Andrew Villarreal, Andrew Villarreal

Theses/Portfolios from 2008

Dinner Time Rush, Andrew Bennett

A Touch of Inspiration, Destinee Cleveland

Strong, Richard Dorismond

Up in Smoke, Shaina Flack

Fall from Grace, Rafn Gilason

Across the Night, Joseph Kiser

A New Beginning, Neil McLean

Don't Push Your Luck, Nicholas Ray

A Day for Music, Robert Stevens

Choice, Jean Zhang

It's a Bad Idea, Pamela Zurita

AmitArt: Graphic Design Portfolio, Melissa D. Bruning

New Light Studio, Adelina Buchanan

Four Ink Studio: Design, Advertising, Printing, Carla Gabalon

ComposeInk, Rebecca Lafita

Oni, Nicholai Abdul

Bee Gone, Steve Alvarado

The Closet, Adam Beaver

Yojimbo, Ben Bonifacio

The Lock's Key, Gina Brown

Eginhard, Robert Campbell

Galeras, Jason Danner

Chai Life: Cookware for the Kosher Kitchen, Alexandria Blayre Harmon

Silver, Cassandra Jenkins

Silver, Cassandra Jenkins

Spydacore: The Underground Mass, William Jones

Sisyphean, John Lougee

Instant Karma, Cynthia Madrid

The Folly of the World, Rafael Ramos

Circuit, Dennis M. Replogle

Amaranthine: Life Within and Throughout, Jared Rodriguez

Made Simple, Ed Speyer

The Darkest Knight, James Tinnerella

Kandi Pixels Graphic Design, Ashley N. Coates

Masquerade Designs by Heather Geary, Heather Geary

Future Graphic Art, Bryson Hall

Roisy Graphics, Marcela Rodriguez

Transcendence, Kyle Bernich

The Town of SinColor, John Byrnr

The Proposal, Drew Caldwell

Sacrifice, Alesha Causey

Tea Time, Sirah Chulakarangka

Seventh Cell, Patrick Couture

Sultan Café: Reinventing a Graphic Identity, Olga Christina Espinosa

Lurch Takes a Trip, Anthony H. Forrest

Encounter, Andrew Harris

Cyberon, Wayne Hollingsworth

The Forest Fairy, Tiffany Huebner

Seventh Cell, David Kamer

Oruga's Deceit: Terrorism in the Bush, Max Kreutzer

Mental Abduction, Kevin Martin

Fine Line Etched Design, Lynn K. Oreal

Seventh Cell, Kevin Saalwaechter

Rob Electrical Mishaps, Edwin Santiago

Sweet Cravings, Dean Schoenradt

The Boy and the Ship, Jorge Embid Sotillo

Dagger, Paul Sze

A Little Late, David Valenzi

Seventh Cell, Brandon Webb

Seventh Cell, Rachel Whelan

Little Wings, Crystal N. Wolf

Digital Bath Design: A Collection of Graphic Design, Christina Hadgkiss

Sidewall Graphics, Morame-Piernola Octave

Zvisuals Portfolio, Zoraya M. Reynoso

KLONOS, Abraham Abdala

Escape from D.U.M.R Prison, Najum Anwar

Theses/Portfolios from 2007

Lash Mascara Pen, Chattip Assawawiriyakit

Vision International Digital Arts College, Dongdong Dai

The Art Family: Educational Adventures, Nelli Levental

Cruentus, Stephen Vaughn

Siam Royale: Wine of Thailand, Saranya Wongsaroj

Slick Rick Designs: The Portfolio of Rick Bily, Rick Bily

Uniko-9: The Posh Puppy Boutique & Spa, Aelee Lee

Magestalker: Vendetta, Adam Storm

Cooking with no Mess, Hilda Elena Thielan

AIC Graphics Portfolio, Andreina Capriles Rivero

NP Creations: the Art Portfolio of Nick Phillips, Nick Phillips

Hilda Elena Thielen Portfolio, Hilda Elena Thielen

Flip Side of the Moon, Carlos Donoso

G-Shot, Tyson Terry

Carlos A. Donoso Digital Krayon Portfolio, Carlos A. Donoso

Short Stories from the Flip Side of the Moon, Carlos A. Donoso

Art Work by Tyson Terry, Tyson Terry

Benevolent Productions, Janna Knepper

Theses/Portfolios from 2006

Tomorrow, Brandon Webb

The Great Birdy Escape: a Computer Animation Thesis, Tiffany Huebner

The Final Struggle: a Computer Animation Thesis, Stephen P. Harvey

Bad Hair Day, Donel Tani

The Pursuit of Love, Gregory Baxter

Theses/Portfolios from 2003

Noises in the Basement, Carlos Fermin

Theses/Portfolios from 2002

Meerkats, Pauline Gallimard

Theses/Portfolios from 2000

TVHD: TV Head Designs, Justin Vasquez

Theses/Portfolios from 1900

Memory of Anubus, Janine Chenoweth