Digital Media Arts College (DMAC) Theses and Portfolios | Dissertations, Theses, Capstones, and Portfolios Collections | Lynn University

This is an archival collection of Digital Media Arts College (DMAC) Theses and Portfolios produced by DMAC students during their bachelors or masters degree programs. All content pre-dates October 2017, when Lynn University officially assumed ownership of DMAC.

Please contact the Lynn University Archives to access these theses or portfolios.


Theses/Portfolios from 2011

The Negotiator: A Short Film, Joshua Prophet

Unknown Entity: A Short Film, Bryan Sawchyn

The Fall: A Short Film, Christina Sisler

A Silent Reflection: A Short Film, Nathan Springstead

Genuine Visuals: Irin Akter Portfolio, Irin Akter

The Hook Designs, Joe Benson

Bieder Designs: Portfolio of Michael Bieder, Michael Bieder

Violet Imago, Vanessa M. Brown

Sophus Labs, Jorge Cardon

Pencil Mechanic: From Pencil to Computer, LeRoy Charles-Pierre

Honor Thy Element, Adam Girling

Color Me Graphic, Robin Greco

Fire Dove Creative: Let Your Passion Ablaze, Bryon J. Hutcheson

Drum Circle Creative: Design Portfolio, Samantha Lowe

Piece O' Art, Catherine Majias

Static Sin, Shanie Marcus

AD+MY Designs Portfolio, Melissa Young

Modeling Thesis Focus, Lorenzo Aguilar

Set Extension: Visual Effects and Animation Thesis Journal, Micheal Brako

Animation Thesis Demo Reel, Marcus Davis

Model & Texturing Focus, Rae Echalico

Character Animator, Corey Foreman

Technical Artist, Ryan Gallagher

Character Animator, Steve LaCasse

CG Artist, Lisardo Liriano

Intrepid Creative, Marques Mazyck

Boxed Wine: A Thesis, Chris Rasch

Fluid Dynamyics, Mick Reid

Lighting & Texturing Focus, Sanon, Wills Sanon

Animation Focust Thesis, Neil Small Jr

Jason Toledo, Technical Director: Thesis, Jason Toledo

Another Day: A Short Film, Xavier Bascho-George

The Button: A Short Film, Mark Archila

A Night to Riddle: A Short Film, Richard Defazio

The Last Hit: A Short Film, Andrew Eiger

Animation Focus, Mario Michel

Animation Focus, Louis Nickelson

Erratic: A Short Film, Eric Loor

Graduation Show Reel, Lee Marsland

Theses/Portfolios from 2010

Thesis II: Final Presentation, Abraham Abdala

Digital Lighting and Texturing, Derek J. Becker

Aggrandize, Tiffany Burnett

Thesis Presentation, Alexander Costa

Hagerman's Hill: A Short Film: A Short Film, Christina Duper Val

The Whiteboard: a Short Film, Logan Farmer

Lighting and Texturing, Adrian Ferrari

Treasure in the Bottle: A Short Film, Christopher Fillmore

Thesis II: Obamanation, Josh Fleishauer

Concept Art Focus Thesis, Jessica Godby

Modeling Focus Thesis, Michele Herrera

Modeling and Texturing, Trenton Hoffman

My Sister Tracey: A Short Film, Holly Howard

Glitch: A Short Film, Nora Keane

Tender Collections: A Greeting Card Company that is designed more for the nontraditional greeting, Danielle Mitchell

FiTfabrics, Candia Philbert

Web of Love: A Short Film, Neil Small

Lighting and Texturing, Jose F. Trimachi

Visual Affects Master of Fine Arts (MFA) Thesis, Jeffrey Yohn

Stigma: A Short Film, Nagihan Aydogdu

Hi, I'm Cody, Cody Allsage

Tiffany Y Burnett Design, Tiffany Y. Burnett

LilChris Designs, Christopher Celestine

Oak Street Atelier: Designs by Larae Connelly, Larae Connelly

The Adam Daly Project: Graphic Design, Advertising, Photography, Adam Daly

Design 71: Graphic, Web, Motion, Michael A. Dunbar

Olga Designs, Olga Dziubina

Visual Reload, Walter Meacham Jr., Chanice A. Murtha

Reckless Graphics, Jiberto Nieto

Skypine Designs: Graphic Design Portfolio, Thiago Pinheiro

Reworked: Print Portfolio, Erin Reardon

Painted Raven, Kari Respoli

Stephanie Ruiz: Graphic Design Portfolio, Stephanie Ruiz

Simms Designs: Dixley Simms Portfolio, Dixley Simms

Swaby Design, Mark Swaby

Renaissance, Issac Bratzel

The Chase, Bryan Evans

A Concept Art, Maceo Lewis Jr

A Concept Art Thesis, Christopher Perez

The Chase, Ana Pican

The Caralyst, Erin Reardon

A Concept Art Thesis, Frank Sherman

Erupt, Dixley Simms

Green Value, Kung-Yang Song

Inkognition & The Last Baiji, Paula Tin Nyo

Hauted: A Short Film, Jelissa Tycksen

The Creative Smarts Club, Jessica L. Williams

Jamin Clore: Portfolio, Jamin Clore

Oli Graphics, Sophia Durand

Derek Gangi / DMAC Portfolio / 2010, Derek Gangi

Pixel Proof Media Group, Mikki Johnson

Uniphi Studios, Ian Jones

Free My Designs, Robert Murtha

Priamo Photography & Design, Lucas Priamo

Craftsman Graphics Portfolio, Joseph Rodriguez

San Andres Portfolio, Raul San Andres

Inspired88, Mario Serrette

Designed by Nerd Portfolio, Michael Splechta

Inkognition: A Graphic Design Portfolio, Paul Tin Nyo

J Will Get It Done Designs: Graphic Design Portfolio of Jessica L. Williams, Jessica L. Williams