Digital Media Arts College (DMAC) Theses and Portfolios | Dissertations, Theses, Capstones, and Portfolios Collections | Lynn University

This is an archival collection of Digital Media Arts College (DMAC) Theses and Portfolios produced by DMAC students during their bachelors or masters degree programs. All content pre-dates October 2017, when Lynn University officially assumed ownership of DMAC.

Please contact the Lynn University Archives to access these theses or portfolios.


Theses/Portfolios from 2010

Ice: a Short Film, Michele Herrera

The Death of Lizzie Barlow: a Short Film, Kelli C. Petersen

Haunted: a Short Film, Jelissa Tycksen

Concept Art, Jamie Corcoran

Game On: A Short Film, Adrian Ferrari

Bouthy Hunter Wars: A Short Film, Seth Hammons

Haunted Statue: A Short Film, Ariel Machado

A Night in Denny's: A Short Film, Lee Marsland

The Moronic Burglar: A Short Film, Mario Michel

You're It: A Short Film, Jonathan Mueller

Ciro: A Short Film, Albert Robles

Chosen Soul: A Short Film, Michael Stegeman

Duel of Desires: A Short Film, David Timmons

The Green Gernade, Jonah E. Anderson

Designed by Gloria Gambino, Gloria Gambino

Hamman, Deniz Goksel

The Royally Tall Shoes: A Children's Illustrated Book, Sunshine Gorman

Candy Fix, Zachary N. Hartman

Visual Junction, Tyler Hedeen

Digital Lighting and Texturing, Brent Husk

Modeling Focus Thesis, Michael Jimmo

Esha, Mekeba Johnson

Modeling / Sculpting Focus: A Modeling, Nicholas Pettit

Bradleys Designs, Bradley Roberts

Le Posterie, Pia Lara Solomon

Amy Oh My: Graphic Design Portfolio, Amy Steinberg

Modeling Focus, Alex Taylor

Melissa Toy, Melissa Toy

Concept Addictions, Adam Trenge

My Designs: Deniz Goksel, Graphic & Fashion Designer, Deniz Goksel

Thesis I, II, & III: Concept Art, Alondre R. Johnson

Theses/Portfolios from 2009

Modeling Thesis, David Abfall

Brendan Bachman's Portfolio 2009, Brendan Bachman

Dadaism Plus Graffitti: A Magazine, Brendan Bachmann

Indian Students, Chaitree Basak

Catch that Train, Henry Brown Jr

Madame Sunshine, Tom Bylicky

Captain Planet, Michael Catt

Phresh Men, Latisha L L. Dubose

Feast on Fitness Website, Dana Elliott

Fear of the Fairy, Nolan Fredell

Ahuramazda, William Goodwin

Infusium, Tristan Hall

Lighting and Texture Focus, Craig Keeney

Toward Z, Richard L. Lewis

How is it Made, Carlton Lowe

Memory Box, YaoYao Ma

Joshua Ott Photography and Design, Joshua Ott

Modeling Focus Reel, Steve Sompeis

Dadaism Plus Graffiti: Thesis Magazine, Brendan Bachman

Sophus Labs, Jorge Cardona

Intuitiv, Jaimie Hamilton

Splice Box Studies, Richard L. Lewis

Andrew Slifking: Print + Identity + Web, Andrew Slifkin

Vivo Image Portfolio, Raymond Tessier

The Antediluvian Project, Drew Caldwell

Heads, Michael Cartwright

Inspired Dream, Alexis Chacon

Bambu the Chosen Dragon, Alexander Costa

Nerves, Zack Dessau

Mirror, Mirror, Alex Digman

Operation Bat Glide, Anthony Forrest

Karma Police, Matthew Guerrero

The Duo, Evan Leef

Greed, Bryan Meyer

The Fault Knows Best, Nicholas Oliboni

Tales of the Slayer: Roommates, Mark Punsapy

Uragiru, Mick Reid

Perils, Candice Rose

SRS Designs: A Graphic Design Portfolio, Steven Raupp Stark

Killer Koffee, Wessley Summers

Mirage, Arnold Takundwa

Visual Grenade, Brandon Yee

Eve Greendale Designs, Eve Greendale

Design Saint, Jason Hazlitt

Blue Boy Design, Jose D. Rodriguez

Mattman Graphics, Matthew Seligman

Fall from Grace, Uri Bloch

Hand of Midas, Michael Carter

Jungle Planet, Natale Cristofaro

Jolly O Designs Portfolio, Lee Fisk

Incusion, Vaughn Forman

A Distant Universe, RaeShouna Henley

Agent Monk, Pierre Henry

Circle Square Designs, Nichole Howell

In Peace and War, Sherawn Jackson

The Snatching of a Baby, Joel D. John

BattleShip, Tommy Kientzy

City Skate, Cole Ramsdell

Circuit, Dennis Replogie

Extinction, Joel Rey

Backyard Blues, Brady Ritz

Divine Wind, Thomas Roadinger

Genesis, Kaelonne Serries

Sweet Dreams, Erika Shuler

Bio-Vial, Gabriel Strickland

A Heavenly Cage, Dan Tran

II Canto del Cigno, Jeffrey Yohn

Color Charged, Sherri Berta

Morpheus Digital Arts, A. J. Brockman