"Ethical Decisions in Biased Medicine" by Jayden N. Reece

Document Type

Research Paper

Publication Date


Year of Award


Date Assignment Submitted



The realm of this paper will focus on the ethics surrounding medical institutions lacking a diverse curriculum and representation that inherently influences future medical providers’ bias towards race and culture. The research surrounding the foundation of this paper is comprehensive as well as representative of the background knowledge and overall argumentation of the ethical dilemma. Background research includes defining integral terms for the argument such as, cultural competence, health disparities, and inherent racial bias. The paper nods to the origin of the ethical dilemma and its effect on minority populations by including entries from law journal and research studies. Along with the sources utilized for background knowledge, Aristotle’s virtue ethics, Noddings’ care ethics, and the American Medical Associations code of ethics will be analyzed to further develop the paper’s argument to support the necessity of a diverse curriculum. The paper ends on a note of possible proposals that could be implemented to solve the ethical dilemma.


Lynn University


Lynn University Student Research Symposium


Research Paper


Honorable Mention


Boca Raton, FL


College of Arts and Sciences


Undergraduate Jayden Reese won Honorable Mention in the 2021 Library Student Research Awards. Self-Nominated.



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