Document Type

Oral Presentation

Publication Date

Spring 4-19-2024

Date Assignment Submitted



The United States holds the highest teen birth rates among industrialized nations, presenting significant risks not only to teenage mothers in terms of education, employment, and health but also affecting their children and society at large. This study compares Mississippi and Massachusetts - the states with the highest and lowest teen birth rates, respectively - to explore the socioeconomic, educational, and legislative factors influencing these disparities. Through analysis of state-specific data and policies, the research identifies key drivers of teen pregnancy rates, including access to sex education, healthcare, and contraception, alongside cultural attitudes and economic conditions.


Lynn University


Lynn University Student Research Symposium


Oral Presentation


Boca Raton, FL


College of Arts and Sciences


Dr. Joanna F. Sackel

Bastos Prieto Desravines_Teen Pregnancy.pptx (1342 kB)
The Issue of Teen Pregnancy in America



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