Document Type

Poster Presentation

Publication Date

Spring 4-19-2024

Date Assignment Submitted



This study examined trauma-informed practices of mental health professionals from eight different countries. The literature indicates that many practitioners feel unprepared and unequipped to therapeutically work with individuals who have experienced trauma-related psychological disorders (SAMHSA, 2014). This poster highlights themes derived from interviews with nine different mental health practitioners from around the globe, offers recommendations to emphasize graduate and post-graduate trauma-informed training, and also offers suggestions for future trauma competencies. The researchers utilized Hermeneutic Phenomenology methodology to analyze the themes from the nine interviews. Common themes identified in the interviews suggest that mental health systems in all nine countries are insufficient to address the needs of individuals impacted by trauma and that graduate training programs are not adequately preparing future mental health professionals to meet the needs of this population.


Lynn University


Lynn University Student Research Symposium


Poster Presentation: Social Science category


Boca Raton, FL


College of Arts and Sciences



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