Document Type

Poster Presentation

Publication Date

Spring 4-19-2024

Date Assignment Submitted



The following research concerning individuals with ASD aims to understand the perspectives of parents, caregivers, and professionals in the community. ASD is an extensively researched neurodevelopment disorder that accompanies sensory and social difficulties. Pervasive misconceptions surrounding ASD significantly impact the lifelong difficulties of individuals on the spectrum. Frequently marginalized from mainstream society, people with ASD confront the necessity to learn non-autistic ways of communicating, which can cause significant distress. This societal pressure often induces masking, a form of altering habits in order to successfully interact with non-autistic individuals. The following research solicited feedback from parents, clinicians, teachers, and advocates regarding their concerns and wishes on behalf of the autistic community with which they are affiliated. Data was collected through surveys, and participants were recruited from social media, specifically Facebook groups across the country. A series of six infographic posts were created for each question asked and the most common or noteworthy responses. This research demonstrates how society, schools, institutions, and individuals can create a more accommodating space for autistic individuals. With emphasis on the unique traits and capabilities of individuals rather than the diagnosis alone, this research contributes to the valuable body of knowledge available about individuals with ASD.


Lynn University


Lynn University Student Research Symposium


Poster Presentation: Social Science category


Boca Raton, FL


College of Arts and Sciences



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