Document Type

Poster Presentation

Publication Date

Spring 4-19-2024

Date Assignment Submitted



Multiple Sclerosis is a neurodegenerative disease that affects the nervous system, causing the body to attack itself, which can lead to a stressful lifestyle. With MS, there is a slight decrease in the population that has occurred in the workforce as it relates to the overall population of people with MS and employment. This can cause drastic differences in an economy because of the increased rate at which MS is being diagnosed. This study reviews the differences in employment between MS people throughout a long-term study that shows a decrease in the employment of people with MS. However, the data points in this data follow the same trajectory with both p-values greater than the .05 threshold, which would cause this data to be significant. Thus making this data accept the null hypothesis and reject the alternative hypothesis. In this instance, the null hypothesis that would be accepted would be that the employment rate shown is not representative of the full population. The alternative hypothesis that would be rejected would be that the employment rate in the data set is representative of the full population. Additionally, a chi-square independence test was completed to indicate whether a relationship exists between categorical variables. In this instance, the categorical data was MS employment versus MS unemployment, where no statistical significance was found in the data. This means that the null hypothesis can be accepted and the alternative hypothesis rejected.


Lynn University


Lynn University Student Research Symposium


Poster Presentation: Social Science category


Boca Raton, FL


College of Arts and Sciences


Dr. Alanna L. Lecher



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