"Nicotine Exposure Rescues the Locomotory Defects of TRPA1 Loss of Func" by Jacquelyn T. Deaton and Kimberly D. Rowland

Document Type

Poster Presentation

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Date Assignment Submitted



Nicotine is a very common substance: it is a plant-produced pesticide and is frequently used as a stimulant for humans. It is toxic at high doses and can cause nicotine poisoning, which is harmful for humans and lethal in flies (Velazquez-Ulloa, 2017). Experiments have identified that nicotine exposure affects the TRPA1 chemosensory cation channel (Talavera et al., 2016; Kang et al., 2010). Previously, student data has shown that nicotine exposure extends the lifespan of TRPA1 mutant flies compared to a control group of wild type flies. TRPA1 is responsible for thermotaxis and pain reception (Neely et al., 2007). These experiments seek to find a link between exposure to nicotine and survivability of TRPA1 loss of function flies via exposure to sub-lethal concentrations of nicotine. After understanding survivability to nicotine exposure, circadian rhythm and motor activity using a DAM (Drosophila activity monitor), will be measured. TRPA1 mutant, nicotine-exposed flies are expected to survive and exhibit increased locomotion as adults compared to wild type flies.


Lynn University


Lynn University Student Research Symposium


Poster Presentation


Boca Raton, FL


College of Arts and Sciences



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