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Research Paper

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Date Assignment Submitted



In-depth interviews were conducted in 2023 using 9 college students at a small, private university located within the southeastern area in the United States. The primary goal of our study was to identify the reasoning for students to drive after drinking despite the possible repercussions such as license suspension, arrest, or obtaining a criminal record. We discovered that these students labeled drunk driving as nothing special but rather something they considered convenient for them. Specifically, these students justified their drug use through the use of four recurring subdued DUI arguments: 1) knowing when not to get behind the wheel 2) being the “logical” option, 3) avoiding unnecessary expenses and, 4) distance arguments. We discuss limitations to the study and conclude by suggesting three strategies for prevention that would directly target these four arguments. This includes emphasizing self-protection, suggesting to split costs, and encourage students to not just be another statistic.


Lynn University


Boca Raton, FL


College of Arts and Sciences


DBRG 400: Deviance on our Doorstep


Sanne Unger


This research paper was submitted to the 2023 Student Research Symposium by Dr. Sanne Unger.



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