In October 2017, Daniel Goldwasser generously donated his father Neil’s vast collection of periodicals to the Lynn University Library, the bulk of which are from the 19th century. The donation was facilitated by Dr. Robert P. Watson, Professor of American Studies at Lynn. To honor the generosity of the Goldwasser family, we have named the acquisition the Neil and Sally Goldwasser Historical Periodicals Collection.
This collection offers Lynn faculty, staff and students the rare opportunity to interact with primary source documents that are hundreds of years old. You will notice that less than half of these periodicals have been digitized and made available publicly. The full collection of the original periodicals can be found in the University Archives. Due to the rarity and fragility of the collection, periodicals will not be permitted to leave the Archives. Faculty, staff and students are always welcome to contact the University Archivist to set a time to view the collection.
This SPIRAL series represents an inventory/catalog of the contents of the collection. Each entry represents one periodical. If a digital image of the periodical is available online and is either publicly accessible or accessible via one of Lynn's electronic resources – it contains a link for ease of viewing.
Periodicals from 1805
The Balance, and Columbian Repository 10-8-1805
Periodicals from 1804
The Balance, and Columbian Repository 3-27-1804
Periodicals from 1797
Anno Regni Georgii III. Regis Magnæ, Britanniæ, Franciæ, & Hiberniæ 6-19-1797
Anno Regni Georgii III. Regis Magnæ, Britanniæ, Franciæ, & Hiberniæ 6-19-1797
United States Chronicle 5-11-1797
Periodicals from 1789
Independent Chronicle 9-17-1789
Periodicals from 1787
The American Museum, or Repository of Ancient and Modern Fugitive Pieces, &c. Prose and Poetical. 12-1787
Periodicals from 1776
The Gentleman's magazine: St. John's Gate 2-1776
Periodicals from 1770
The Pennsylvania Gazette 1-11-1770
Periodicals from 1769
Land Title Deed (?) 4-3-1769
Periodicals from 1763
The London Chronicle or Universal Evening Post 11-8-1763
Periodicals from 1758
The Gentleman's magazine: St. John's Gate 4-1758
Periodicals from 1755
The World 3-20-1755
The World 5-29-1755
The World 5-22-1755
Periodicals from 1754
The Connoisseur By Mr. Town, Critic and Censor-General 3-28-1754
The World 12-12-1754
Periodicals from 1752
The Adventurer 12-16-1752
Periodicals from 1751
The Gentleman's magazine: St. John's Gate 1-1751
Periodicals from 1743
Anno Regni Georgii II. Regis Magnæ, Britanniæ, Franciæ, & Hiberniæ. Decimo Septimo. 12-1-1743
Edinburgh Evening Courant 10-11-1743
Periodicals from 1714
Anno Regni Georgii. Regis Magnæ, Britanniæ, Franciæ, & Hiberniæ. Sexto 3-17-1714
Periodicals from 1713
The Englishman 10-20-1713
Periodicals from 1709
The British Apollo: or, Curious Amusements for the Ingenious 3-30-1709
Periodicals from 1698
The London Gazette 3-13-1698
The London Gazette 3-9-1698
Periodicals from 1682
The Observator 12-21-1682
The Observator 11-15-1682
Periodicals from 1681
The Observator 12-10-1681
Periodicals from 1679
The Weekly Pacquet of Advice from Rome: or, the History of Popery 10-17-1679
Periodicals from 1672
The London Gazette 1-10-1672
Periodicals from 1662
Mercurius Publicus 3-12-1662
Periodicals from 1644
L'Adresse et par mer et par terre guide du ciel Gazette 7-9-1644