"We Must Save the Music! Institutional Repositories Preserving the Outp" by Tsukasa Cherkaoui and Lea Iadarola

Document Type

Poster Presentation

Publication Date



Archives and Music Departments/Conservatories don’t often collaborate on preservation. They are simply disconnected entities at most universities. As we discovered that our Conservatory had commissioned musical works, the Archivist and Music Librarian saw an opportunity for digital humanities preservation. The goal of this project is to not only preserve, display, and make the compositions accessible to the public, but also to give a second creative life to those works.


Music Library Association (MLA) Conference


Cincinnati, OH




Due to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, the Music Library Association Conference, originally scheduled to be held in Cincinnati, OH, was held virtually as the Music Library Association (MLA) and the Theatre Library Association Joint Meeting.



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