"Perceptions of Service-Learning in the Sunshine State" by Jarrad D. Plante, Lauren I. Murray et al. https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-5225-9531-1.ch008


Perceptions of Service-Learning in the Sunshine State

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College students enroll in service-learning coursework for many reasons. For some, the opportunity to enhance classroom-based learning by engaging in hands-on activities benefiting the community serve as an important motivator. As the nation's only campus-based civic engagement association, Campus Compact promotes community and public service that forges partnerships, provides training and resources for faculty seeking community-based learning (service-learning) into their curriculum while developing students' citizenship skills. Florida Campus Compact is comprised of over 50 college and university presidents committed to engaging students in active citizenship via participation in public and community service. In this chapter, researchers surveyed 437 students enrolled in service-learning courses from nine (9) participating Florida Campus Compact institutions. The purpose of the project was to examine how service-learning and student volunteer opportunities are shaping educational experiences from transdisciplinary backgrounds for students and impacting the communities around them. Participation in the project provided a complete assessment of students' connections to their communities, political activism, and career employability. The results will shape service-learning practices at those participating campuses across the state of Florida.


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Amanda Wolcott's name changed to Amanda Main in 2019.

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