"Improving Perceived Organizational Support for Full-Time, Non-Tenure T" by Amanda M. Wolcott

Improving Perceived Organizational Support for Full-Time, Non-Tenure Track Faculty

Document Type

Conference Session

Publication Date



There are many desirable attributes of a full-time non-tenure track faculty position (i.e., instructor and lecturer ranks). These roles offer individuals with a passion for teaching the freedom to focus their efforts on developing methods to impact students’ learning and lives. However, within a research university setting, non-tenure track faculty face a unique set of challenges. This is not to say that teaching is not considered at research universities; merely that there is an increased pressure on tenure-earning faculty to publish and earn tenure. This pressure can result in an unintended side effect of leaving instructors and lecturers feeling left out of their departments. In this session, I will be sharing the results of a development community designed specifically for non-tenure track faculty on job attitudes, job performance, and employee well-being.


Sunshine State Teaching and Learning Conference


Daytona Beach, FL


College of Business and Management


Amanda Wolcott's name changed to Amanda Main in 2019.

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