"What's My Motivation Here? Creating User Personas to Market to Diverse" by Sabine J. Dantus

Document Type

Conference Session

Publication Date



Using qualitative data in surveys conducted by your library —learn how to empathize with potential library users by creating user personas. Most libraries conduct surveys to gain insight into patron experience with library resources. Using the results of your surveys and anecdotal evidence, learn to create user personas which include: a personality, motivations, key facts, frustrations, preferred channels of communication, and direct quotes. Personas will help supercharge your outreach and marketing to potential library users and engage more with current users. Using the emphatic design process, attendees will understand the persona creation process by receiving the opportunity to create a brief persona based on data samples.


Hyatt Regency St. Louis Arch


Library Marketing and Communications Conference (LMCC)


St. Louis, MO




Presented at the Library Marketing and Communications Conference on November 15, 2018 in St. Louis, MO.



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