"Baroque music for brass and organ" by Marc Reese and Kenneth Amis

Baroque music for brass and organ

Document Type

Sound Recording

Publication Date



Physical Description: 1 audio disc ; 4 3/4 in.

Performers: Empire Brass Quintet (Rolf Smedvig, trumpet & conductor ; Marc Reese, trumpet ; Michelle Perry, horn ; Mark Heitzler, trombone ; Kenneth Amis, tuba) ; William Kuhlman, organ.

Event Details: Recorded 21 Sept. 2002, Luther College, Decorah, Iowa.

Contents: Rondeau : from Abdelazer / Henry Purcell -- Fantaisie in C major, BWV 570 / Johann Sebastian Bach -- Concerto in G major : after the Trio sonata in B-flat major, TWV 42:B1 / Georg Philipp Telemann -- Sonata da camera : after the violin sonata in F major, op. 1, no. 12, HWV 370 / George Frideric Handel -- Rigaudon : from Idomenée / André Campra -- Contrapunctus I : from The art of fugue / J.S. Bach -- Allegro : from Oboe concerto no. 1 in B-flat major, HWV 301 / Handel -- Fantasia in D minor / Johann Pachelbel -- Overture and allegro : from King Arthur ; March : from The married beau / Purcell -- Fantaisie : allegro / Tomaso Albinoni -- Trumpet voluntary ; The Prince of Denmark's march / Jeremiah Clarke -- Prélude : from Te deum in D major / Marc-Antoine Charpentier -- Opening movement : from A mighty fortress is our God, BWV 80 / J.S. Bach.




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