Teaching Parent’s to Implement Social Skills Intervention via Telehealth Using a Behavior Skills Training Package during COVID-19

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Due to current literature indicating the need for parent training in social skills interventions (SSI), this study examined the use of behavior skills training (BST) method for parents to implement SSI for their children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). BST consisted of four components (e.g. instructions, modeling, role-playing, and feedback) to breakdown the SSI into smaller and simpler steps for parents to implement. BST is commonly used and found to be effective in teaching individuals new skills. BST may become a feasible parent training method that reduces parent treatment failures, early termination, and loss of motivation in the natural setting. The purpose of the study was to examine the effectiveness of parents’ utilization of BST to teach two social skills targets to their children with ASD within the natural setting. The child responses during the SSI role-playing component for the assigned vignette was measured to detect the correct applications of the social skills taught by the parent. Results indicated that parent-implemented BST produced improvements in three of four parents' use of the SSI relative to baseline, as evidenced by changes during the SSI phase following the delivery of parent training to learn BST. Three of four child participants reached mastery criterion for correct verbal responses to the SSI vignettes in the roleplaying component during the SSI, maintenance, and generalization phases. The study used a concurrent multiple probe design across participants.


The Chicago School of Professional Psychology


College of Arts and Sciences


This is a citation for Dr. Torica L. Exume's dissertation, completed at The Chicago School of Professional Psychology for the Doctor of Philosophy in Applied Behavior Analysis.

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