Autistic Affirming Therapy Practices For Adults

Document Type

Conference Session

Publication Date



Adults diagnosed with autism who seek out therapy services often perplex well-meaning mental health professionals who may not feel competent nor confident in this area of treatment. Many training programs do not equip counselors with knowledge, skills or awareness on autistic affirming therapies and evidence-based practices in supporting autistic clients. Clients with autism diagnoses commonly experience co-occurring conditions and present to therapy with myriad concerns. In this presentation, we will focus on three goals when it comes to autistic affirming therapy. We will 1) learn from the lived-experience to enhance the therapeutic relationship building, 2) dive into current trends in assessment & treatment and 3) review strength-based interventions. Overall, we aim to help mental health professionals enhance their competence and confidence to effectively support autistic adult clients.

Learning Objectives:

  1. Identify evidence-based and lived-experience best practices for approaching and building quality therapeutic relationships with autistic clients.
  2. Understand and identify the unique assessment and treatment needs of adults diagnosed with autism spectrum disorders (ASD).
  3. Identify evidence-based and best practice treatment strategies for supporting the strengths of autistic clients.


Florida Mental Health Counselors Association (FMHCA) Annual Virtual Summit


College of Arts and Sciences

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