"Indian Education System Through the Lens of a Deemed University" by Harika Rao https://doi.org/10.4018/978-1-6684-7327-6.ch014


Indian Education System Through the Lens of a Deemed University

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The chapter focuses on the comparative study of the Indian higher education system from the lens of a deemed university. Tracing the evolution of education from its origins to current period, the author highlights the continual progress being made, especially in STEM (science, technology, engineering, and mathematics). The growing trend in the higher educational sector also has necessitated having multi-layer regulatory agencies to ensure the quality of different areas of education. The author also discusses the ongoing challenges due to the pandemic and technological disruption forcing the educational leaders and the faculty to adapt themselves to the constant changes. The author stresses the need for student engagement for better learning outcomes. Student-centric topics such as elective curriculum, flipped classroom, job-ready soft skills, and student welfare on the campus have also been touched upon. The author concludes the chapter with the need for implementing best practices in higher education that contribute to the realization of the United Nations Sustainable Developmental Goals.


Improving Higher Education Models Through International Comparative Analysis


IGI Global




College of Business and Management

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