"DSM-5 TR Update: What Adlerian Practitioners Need to Know" by Jon Sperry

DSM-5 TR Update: What Adlerian Practitioners Need to Know

Document Type

Conference Session

Publication Date



This workshop will examine the changes to both the structure and the diagnostic criteria in the DSM-5 TR and the presenter will discuss how these changes are a sign of positive movement from the American Psychiatric Associate. The workshop will provide an Adlerian interpretation of the DSM-5-TR and will also review the manual's updated sections, updates on over 70 modified criteria sets, and a new disorder, Prolonged Grief Disorder


1. Explain how the DSM-5-TR now considers social justice, racism, and cultural sensitivity in the diagnostic interviewing process.
2. Describe at least four new disorders introduced in DSM-5 TR.
3. Describe considerations of the impact of racism and discrimination on mental disorders introduced in DSM-5 TR.


North American Society of Adlerian Psychology (NASAP) 71st Annual Conference


Denver, CO


College of Arts and Sciences

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