"Whose Fault is it? Externalizing Academic Responsibilities is Associat" by Alyssa Brule, Patrick J. Cooper et al.

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Poster Presentation

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A core tenet of Bandura’s (1986) Social Cognitive Theory is that cognitive factors motivate human behavior. For instance, believing that earning high grades will result in a desirable job will motivate one to earn higher grades. Here, we suggest that externalizing the responsibility of one’s college education are more likely to struggle academically.

As part of a larger study, college students (N = 396) from three universities reported their externalized academic responsibility (Chowning & Campbell, 2009), self-esteem (Rosenberg, 1985), narcissism (Gentile et al. 2013), and GPA. It was hypothesized that externalized academic responsibility would be negatively associated with GPA. In an exploratory follow-up analysis, we examined whether narcissism or self-esteem moderated this association.

There was a negative correlation between externalized academic responsibility and GPA (r = -.37, p


St. Thomas University, Gus Machado College of Business


Florida Undergraduate Research Conference (FURC)


Miami Gardens, FL


College of Arts and Sciences



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