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Poster Presentation

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STEM research has proven to be beneficial in students learning, retention and graduation rates, entry into to the graduate and professional programs, and development of the critical thinking and soft skills. Considering this, it would not be wrong to classify STEM research engagement as a panacea of quality student outcomes. Keeping this in mind, over the last two decades as a professor at mainly an undergraduate institution in South Florida, I have engaged students in assortment of highly practical and publishable research topics in the area of molecular spectroscopy. Whereas at most institutions the focus of molecular spectroscopy is mainly on infrared region, in my engagement of students I cover both infrared and near infrared regions as the later has found many applications in biomedical areas. This approach is highly beneficial as many of our biology undergraduates aspire to become medical practitioners in the future. In this poster, a brief overview of a wide range of undergraduate level molecular spectroscopy research topics will be provided. The selected topics are focused on sustainable blended fuels, unique spectral features of DNA of microorganisms, studies of a novel way of investigation of hydrogen bonds in alcohol water mixtures, and screening of cough syrups for safety. It is important to mention that all students who were engaged in the STEM research got into the professional studies of their choice.


American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U)


American Association of Colleges and Universities (AAC&U) Conference - Ohio PKAL Regional Network of Project Kaleidoscope




College of Arts and Sciences



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