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With cyberattacks growing at an exponential rate and a worldwide cybersecurity workforce shortage, enabling job opportunities for neurominorities benefits organizations and individuals. According to the International Information System Security Certification Consortium, Cybersecurity Workforce Study estimates that around four million more cyber professionals are needed worldwide to meet job demand. With so much talent needed, making organizations more accessible to neuro-minorities may hold the key to cybersecurity talent gap. Based on Crest's, an international not-forprofit accreditation and certification body that represents and supports the technical information security market, 2020 report, Neurodiversity in the cybersecurity workplace, stated: "The Cybersecurity industry recognizes that people on the autistic spectrum can provide invaluable skills to the sector and are often the best performers in technical roles." The first step to achieving this vision is connecting the dots between early STEM education, cybersecurity career training, hiring methods, and emphasize neurodiversity as part of the organization’s brand.


Florida Undergraduate Research Association’s (FURA) 2022 Florida Statewide Symposium on Undergraduate Research: Best Practices in Undergraduate Research


Miami, FL


College of Business and Management


Florida Undergraduate Research Association (FURA) member and conference participant to this year's Florida Statewide Symposium (FSS) at Miami Dade College.



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