The Medici Renaissance in Florence
The Medici Renaissance in Florence was written as my master degree's thesis project and is loaded with photos, professional videos, and interviews with Italian historians in Florence. The Medici Renaissance in Florence tells the story of how a few men in search of ancient knowledge ignited a new age of enlightenment called the Renaissance based on rediscovered ancient and classical manuscripts. The Medici bankers as patrons of the arts and sciences, collected and studied the ancient manuscripts of Egypt, Greece, and Rome and disseminated the information throughout their community of Florence, building "la bella citta" a center of art, literature, architecture, and science.
Book Format
Instructional Design
Publication Date
Boca Raton, FL
Florence, Travel, Art, Architecture, Europe, Italy, Medici Renaissance
Recommended Citation
Dubruiel, D. (2015, September 16). The Medici Renaissance in Florence. Boca Raton, FL.
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