"Teachers’ Perception of College and Career Education Exposure on Middl" by Francisco Jose Valverde and Joshua Davidow

Graduate Student Dissertations, Theses, Capstones, and Portfolios

Date of Award


Document Type


Granting Institution

Lynn University

Degree Name

Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)

Degree Program

Educational Leadership


College of Education

First Advisor

Kathleen Weigel

Second Advisor

Jennifer J. Lesh

Third Advisor

Kelly A. Burlison


Properly preparing middle school students for their transition to high school and postsecondary endeavors requires early exposure to college and career information and resources. Across the United States, high school students have access to a scattered array of programs and resources aimed at career development and college preparation. Unfortunately, none of these college and career resources are integrated into the K-12 student experience in any systemic or holistic way. Furthermore, very few of these resources are even directed at K-12 students prior to their time in high school. This gap in college and career education is due to a lack of focus and absence of research on the early exposure of college and career education as a means to improve student achievement and prepare K-12 students for their transition into life post-graduation. The gap in literature and research aimed at understanding the impact of early exposure of College and Career Education (CCE) has led to the development of this study. This study seeks to assess middle school teachers’ perceptions to gather input for the development and publication of an engaging web-based resource center geared toward providing students with early exposure to college and career development resources.



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