Graduate Student Dissertations, Theses, Capstones, and Portfolios
Date of Award
Document Type
Granting Institution
Lynn University
Degree Name
Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)
Degree Program
Educational Leadership
College of Education
First Advisor
Kelly A. Burlison
Second Advisor
Jennifer J. Lesh
Third Advisor
Joseph Melita
Teaching in the 21st century classroom requires one to successfully manage many facets simultaneously. Temporary certified teachers are entering the classroom without the proper training needed to survive in the multifaceted profession of education. Research shows that teachers lack the field experience needed to sustain a successful career (Kronholz, 2013). Temporary certified teachers is better prepared for their career through clinical training. Through a review of literature, the researcher was able to determine that teachers lacked the necessary tools needed to fulfill their required duties. The implementation of customized clinical training proved to better prepare temporary certified teachers for the classroom. Providing clinical training increased teachers’ comfort and knowledge levels in multiple areas. The researcher used the qualitative research method to identify temporary certified teachers’ level of preparedness for the classroom. Through the use of an online pre- and post- survey using Likert Scale and an interview with open-ended questions, the researcher discovered that temporary certified teachers needed additional training in four major areas: classroom management, providing accommodations, social and emotional learning, and addressing unconscious bias. Research proved that teachers are unprepared and need training before entering the classroom.
Based on the data collected from the survey and interviews, the researcher was able to create customized clinical webinar sessions that addressed the needs of the unprepared teachers. The virtual webinar sessions is a great tool to supplement the omitted student teaching and/or clinical training for temporary certified teachers. Once teachers participated in the clinical training, they received the customized field experience needed to be better prepared for the classroom. The results of the pre- and post- survey indicated that providing teachers with clinical training prepared them for the multifaceted career of education.
Recommended Citation
Golf, L. (2021). Preparing Elementary School Teachers for the Multifaceted Profession [Doctoral dissertation, Lynn University]. SPIRAL.