Graduate Student Dissertations, Theses, Capstones, and Portfolios
Date of Award
Document Type
Granting Institution
Lynn University
Degree Name
Doctor of Education (Ed.D.)
Degree Program
Educational Leadership
College of Education
First Advisor
James Guthrie
Second Advisor
Jennifer J. Lesh
Technology points to gaps in higher education adoption of learning technologies where decisions are based on a digital tool’s efficacy and unique capabilities, rather than the role they play in effective teaching and learning (Grush, 2019). Higher Education institutions and their faculty postpone technical decision-making. This results in an educational system ill-equipped to meet the needs of students, faculty, and sufficient digital fluency of graduates and the workforce. By integrating current, interactive tools into teaching materials, such as multi-touch books, or iBooks, faculty can meet their students’ learning needs, thereby improving competencies and ability to track their assessment and engagement throughout a program. This Dissertation-in-practice (DiP) appraises an interactive multi-touch book, Educational Leadership and Policy, as an effective delivery tool for faculty in Schools of education in order to improve student engagement and success. The study examines the adoption of iBook by faculty and their students at a higher education institution in the Southeastern United States to understand what relationship exist with multi-touch books and student success. Given that new technologies within higher education are relatively recent, this study is relevant and may add to the evidence available on this emerging topic.
Recommended Citation
Cascio, J. M. (2019). Multi-Touch Books in Higher Education: A Study of Educational Leadership and Policy for Schools of Education [Doctoral dissertation, Lynn University]. SPIRAL.