"The Brazilian Telenovela "El Clon": An Analysis of Viewers' Online Vic" by Elizabeth Barbosa

Graduate Student Dissertations, Theses, Capstones, and Portfolios

Date of Award


Document Type


Granting Institution

Lynn University

Degree Name

Doctor of Philosophy (Ph.D.)

Degree Program

Global Leadership - with a specialization in Educational Leadership


College of Education

First Advisor

William J. Leary

Second Advisor

John M. Cipolla

Third Advisor

Erika Grodzki


This research involves investigating Brazilian telenovelas as a medium to disseminate knowledge about different cultures and customs. Through a qualitative content analysis this study examines messages posted in the "El Clon" telenovela-world forum with reference to the Muslim cultural theme explored by the telenovela.

The theoretical framework overarching this study is the combination of Bandura's social learning/cognitive theory and Freire's dialogical/participatory communication. In order to operationalize the study, a qualitative content analysis is undertaken utilizing the sub-dimension parasocial interaction model proposed by Sood & Rodgers (2000). The messages are analyzed in order to explore how forum participants engage in the discussion brought by the telenovela, in light of the proposed parasocial sub-dimensions: affective, cognitive, and behavioral interactions, and critical and referential involvement.

The different opinions voiced and exchanged in the forum verify that the message writers think about the educational content of the novela, in the case of this study the portrayal of the Muslim culture, and the repercussion of this portrayal not only among the Muslim community but also the non-Muslim.



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