Concerts from 2024
2023-2024 Fifth Annual Alumni Concert: Jeffrey Adkins and A.W. Dreyfoos School of Arts
2023-2024 'Grafico de la Perenera' A Night of Spanish Music and German Lied
Sixth Annual Alumni Concert: Con Brio String Quartet
Concerts from 2023
2022-2023 Fourth Annual Alumni Recital: The Kalinovsky-Lokhina Duo
Programs from 2019
2019-2020 Lynn University Wind Ensemble, Kenneth Amis, Karl van Richards, Hideki Sunaga, Mark Poljak, Natalie Smith, Kevin Karabell, Joseph Guimaraes, and Dunia Andreu
2019-2020 Philharmonia No. 1, Lynn University Philharmonia, Guillermo Figueroa, Jon Robertson, and Hugo Valverde Villalobos
2019-2020 Third Annual Alumni Concert
Concerts from 2018
2018-2019 Alumni Recital - Peter Pirotte (Trumpet) and Carina Inoue (Piano)
Concerts from 2017
2017-2018 Alumni Recital - Anna Brumbaugh and Friends
Books from 2011
2011-2012 Evening of the Arts featuring Lynn Philharmonia Orchestra, Lynn University Philharmonia, Jon Robertson, Terence Kirchgessner, Sylvia Kim, Robert P. Watson, Katie Lemmon, and Stephanie Loverde
Concerts from 2008
Concerts from 2003
Concerts from 2002
2002-2003 Alumni Concert - Qi Liu (Piano)