Creation Date
Spring 5-7-2024
Members of the Lynn University Cabinet, Board of Directors, and Deans pose together in a group photo. (Top row, L-R) Vice President for Campus Operations Kristell Lowe, Vice President for Student Affairs Anthony Altieri, Dean of Academic Support and Accessibility Shaun Exsteen, Chief Strategy and Technology Officer Christian G. Boniforti, Dean of the College of Arts and Sciences Gary Villa, Vice President for Academic Affairs Katrina Carter-Tellison, President of Lynn University Kevin M. Ross, Dean of the College of Business and Management R.T. Good, Chief Marketing Officer Sherrie Weldon, Vice President for Enrollment and University Advancement Gareth Fowles, General Counsel David Dudgeon, Dean of the College of Aeronautics David Cohen, Dean of the College of Communication and Design Cesar Santalo. (Bottom row, L-R): Board of Trustees member James Milby, President Emeritus Dr. Donald E. Ross, Chair of the Board of Trustees Christine E. Lynn, Dean of the Conservatory of Music (and 2024 Commencement Speaker) Dr. Jon Robertson, Board of Trustees member Peter Smith, Dean of the College of Education Dr. Kathleen Weigel, Assistant Vice President of Academic Affairs Mike Petroski