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Conference Session

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Counselor educators at primarily teaching focused institutions often struggle to find both time and interested students to support an active research agenda. Engaging clinically minded students in scientific research is central to their development and also fought with challenges (Jorgensen & Duncan, 2014; Huber & Savage, 2009; Steel & Rawls, 2014). The goal of this presentation is to provide counselor educators with an overview of the literature regarding research identity in Master’s level counseling students, as well as providing them with practical suggestions for increasing research collaborations with their students. The presentation will also include a discussion of shared experiences, a self-reflection activity, and a presentation of practical suggestions for incorporating the presented information into pedagogy and practice.


Association for Counselor Education and Supervision (ACES) Conference


Seattle, WA


College of Arts and Sciences


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O’Gieblyn_2019 Aces Presentation - V1.pptx (2790 kB)
Engaging Master’s Level Students in Research at Primarily Teaching-Focused Institutions (PowerPoint)



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